Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/83

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LECOLNTE engraver Sebastien Lc Clerc, the elder (1637-1714), and pupil of Bon Boulogne ; received into the Academy in 170-4. Works : Death of Sapphu-a, Louvre ; Purification of .ZEueas preparatory to Deification (1704), Trianon ; R;ipe of Europa ; Pictures in Mu- seums at Aleneon and Stockholm ; Land- scapes with Castle and Figures (2), Liech- tenstein Gallery, Vienna. Meaume, Sob. Le Clerc et son (Euvre, 309 ; Wurzbach, Fr. Maler des xviii. Jahrh., 31 ; L'Art, xv. 92. LECOINTE, CHARLES JOSEPH, born in Paris, Feb. 23, 1824. History and laud- scape painter, pupil of Picot and Aligny ; first exhibited in the Salon in 1843, then went to Italy ; on his return to Paris he studied in the Ecole des Beaux Arts, and won the grand prix de Rome in 1849. His earlier works are much inferior to those painted after his second visit to Italy. Med- als : 3d class, 1844, 1855, 18G1. Works : Prodigal Son (1844) ; Good Samaritan, Val- ley of Chevreuso (1845) ; Flight into Egypt (1846) ; Shepherd and the Sea (1847) ; The Heron (1848), Angers Museum ; The Bar- ren Fig-Tree (1855), Luxembourg Museum ; Aqme Claudiae (1857); Ruins of Pierrefonds, Campagua at Rome (1859) ; Temptation of Christ, Pius IX. walking at Torre di Quinto, Roman Peasants playing the Ruzzica (1861), Wine-Shop at Tivoli ; Horace at Tibur (1863); On the Shore of the Sea (1865) ; Death and the Woodsman (1866); A Mill (1869) ; Two Incidents in the Life of St. Genevieve, Church of St. Roch, Paris. Bellier, i. 955 ; Miiller, 325. LECOMTE-DU-NOUY, JULES JEAN ANTOINE, born in Paris, June 10, 1842. Genre painter, pupil of Gmmie, Gleyre, Signol, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts ; won the 2d grand prix in 1865. Medals : 1866, 1869 ; 2d class, 1872 ; London, 1862 ; Vienna, 1873 ; L. of Honour, 1876. Works : Francesca da Rimini and Paolo Malatesta in the Infernal Regions (1863) ; Death of Jocasta (1865), Arras Museum ; Greek Sen- tinel (1865); Invocation of Neptune (1866), ! Lille Museum ; Job and his Friends (18(57); Ajax's Madness (1868) ; Love which passes and Love which remains (1869), Boulogne Museum ; The Charmer (1870) ; Bearers of Evil News (1872), Luxembourg Museum ; A Philosopher without knowing it (1873) ; Butchers of Venice, Eros (1874), Tours Mu- seum ; Chosroes' Dream (1875) ; Homer Begging (1876, triptych) ; Door of the Se- raglio (1877) ; Christian Women at the Vir- gin's Tomb (1878) ; St. Vincent de Paul helping the Alsatians and Lorrainers after ! their Reunion with France (1879), Church of the Trinity, Paris ; Rabbis commentat- ing on the Bible on Saturday (1882) ; Toil- ers of the Sea, Marabout Prophet Sidna- Ai'ssa (1884) ; Oriental Women, Contem- plations (1885) ; Pompeian Market Woman, A. J. Antelo, Philadelphia ; Christian Wom- en at the Chapel of the Virgin, H. L. LECOMTE DUNOUy-187/ Dousman, St. Louis. Bellier, i. 959 ; Bi- tard; Clarctie, Peintres (1874), 323; La- rousso ; Miiller, 325 ; Du Camp, B. Arts, 156. LECOMTE-VERNET, CHARLES HIP- POLYTE EMILE, born in Paris in 1821, died there in 1874. Genre painter, pupil of Horace Veruet and Leon Cogniet. Med- als : 3d class, 1846, 1863 ; L. of Honour, 1864. Works : Farewell (1833) ; Aria Cat- tiva (1846) ; Aurora, Night, Ugolino, Visita- tion, Styrian Girl playing with a Panther, Orpheus and Eurydice, St. Catherine of Alexandria (1843 to 1853) ; Queen of Na- varre (1855) ; Amphitrite, Young Roman Woman (1859) ; Let Little Children come unto Me (1861), St. John the Baptist, St. Louis-en-Ile, Paris ; Syrian Expedition (1863) ; Fellah Woman with her Child (1864) ; Fellah Woman carrying a Zir, Al- mch (1866) ; Fellah Girl playing the Daireh (1868) ; Gypsy Girl (1869) ; Fellah Girl, Wallachian Girl playing with an Owl (1870); Penelope, Aliru'li (1874). Bellier, i. 958; Larousse ; Miiller, 325. 47