Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/91

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LEISTEN LEISTEN, JAKOB, born in Dusseldorf in 1845. Genre painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy ; lived in Munich in 1869-73, but returned to Diisseldorf. Medal in London (1877). Works : Love-Letter ; Disturbed Politician ; First Mitrailleuse ; Werther and Charlotte ; Buried ; Two Widows ; Pros- elytes ; Marriage Contract ; Weekly Visit at the Landlord's ; Last of his Name ; Bava- rian Wrestling ; Castle in the Woods ; Start- ing for the Wedding Dance (1880). Mey- er, Conv. Lex., xix. 591 ; Mailer, 329. LEITNER, HEINRICH, born in Vienna in 1812. Marine painter, pupil of Melbye ; made extensive journeys in the East and in Italy, and accompanied the German Crown- Prince in 18G9 to the opening of the Suez Canal. Works : Embarking of German Crown-Prince at Jalt'a ; Man-of-War Vic- tory ; Embarking of Emperor of Austria at Jaffa ; Corvette Hertha leaving the Golden Horn ; Corvette Hertha in Heavy Storm (1879). Miiller, 329. LE JEUNE, HENRY, bom in London in 1820. Genre paint- er, pupil in 1834 of the Royal Academy, where, in 1841, he received a gold medal for his Sam- son bursting his Bonds. In 1845 he became head-mas- ter at the govern- ment school of de- sign, and in 1848 was appointed curator of the painting school of the Academy ; be- came an A.R.A. in 18G3. Works : Una and the Lion (1842) ; Prince Arthur's Dream (1843) ; Prospero and Miranda (1844) ; Ruth and Boaz (1845) ; Liberation of the Slaves, Bassanio choosing the Casket (1847) ; Hush! (1848) ; Ophelia (1849) ; Hour-Glass (1850); Anglers, Archers (1851) ; Rush-Gatherers (1852) ; Christ blessing Little Children (1854) ; See-Saw (1855) ; Little Gretchen (1856) ; Children gathering Lilies ; Master, what shall I do ? (1858) ; Sisters of Lazarus I (18(51) ; Early Flowers (1863) ; Wounded Robin (1864) ; The Ride (1867) ; Rather Shy (1869); Great Expectations (1872) ; Much Ado About Nothing (1873) ; Innocence (1874); Stepping-Stones, Water-Lilies (1879) ; Happy Thoughts (1880) ; Little Bo- Peep, Golden Flags (1881) ; Little Angler (1882) ; The Burn, Shelter, Golden Treas- . ures (1883) ; By the Cool Stream, Murmur ! of the Shell (1884). Art Journal (1858), 265. LELAND, HENRY, born in Walpole, Mass., in 1850, died Dec. 5, 1877. Portrait and figure painter, pupil of Boimat in Paris, 1874-77. Exhibited his first portrait at the Salon of 1875 ; visiting Boston the same year, he painted two portraits which were exhibited in Philadelphia in 1876. His short professional life was passed in Paris. He sent to the Salon in 1876 a portrait of Mile. D'Alembert; in 1877, Chevalier of Time of Henry III., and an Italian Girl. His Ex- pectation is owned in Boston. In Italy, 1877, he painted his own portrait, A Court- yard in Venice, and Court Lady of Time of Henry III. (unfinished). LELEUX, ADOLPHE, born in Paris, Nov. 15, 1812. Landscape painter, self- taught ; has painted chiefly scenes in Brit- tany and Normandy, but at times subjects taken from the Spanish Pyrenees and Al- geria. Medals : 3d class, 1842 ; 2d class, 1843 and 1848 ; L. of Honour, 1855. Works : Bretons (1841) ; Breton Dance, Spanish Smugglers (184(5) ; Arab Story-Teller, Arab Women of the Desert, Djinns Dancing, Night-Patrol in Paris (1848); Pass- Word (1849) ; Bedouin Family attacked by Wolves (1851) ; Market in Dieppe (1852) ; Treading out Corn in Algeria (1853), Lille Museum ; Courtyard of a Breton Tavern (1857) ; Wed- ding in Brittany (1861) ; Wedding in Brit- tany (1863), Luxembourg Museum ; Festi- val in Brittany (1865) ; Breton Winnowers (1866) ; Breton Funeral (1867) ; Market- Day at Finisterre (1875) ; View of Crenille (1876) ; Clog-Maker's Family (1877) ; De- parture (1878) ; Woods of Crenille (1879) ; Babies (1880) ; View of Chaumet (1881) ; 55