Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/94

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LEMAIEE vis, Sir H. Grimston, Nell Gwynn, Lord Jermyn, Duke of Ormonde, Lord Ossory, Priuce Rupert, Countess of Shrewsbury, T. Stanley, Sir W. Temple, Duchess of York, Charles II., Countess of Grammont, Duke of Monmouth, Lord Sandwich, Mrs. Mid- dleton, National Portrait Gallery, London ; ! Windsor Beauties, Hampton Court ; Prince Rupert, Magdalen, Sleeping Venus, Wind- sor Castle ; Children of Charles I, and three others, Colonel Wyndham's Collec- tion, Petworth ; Lady Morton, Blenheim House ; Charles I. on Horseback, One of the Windsor Beauties Sleeping, Hamilton Palace ; Duke of York, Jocelyn Earl of Northumberland, Duchess of Richmond, Castle Howard ; Duke of Gloucester, Went- worth House ; Rape of Europa, Chatsworth ; Susannah and the Elders, Burleigh House ; Portraits of a Dutch Admiral and his Wife, Family Group, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Cromwell, Stockholm Museum ; do., Pa- lazzo Pitti, Florence ; Portrait of himself, and two others, Uffizi, ib. ; Equestrian Por- trait, Brunswick Gallery ; Meleager pre- senting to Atalanta the Head of the Boar of Calydon, Male Portrait, Louvre, Paris ; f"x T Young Lady's Portraits (2), Yi- ^ I enna Museum ; Lady's Portrait, J. L_ Museum, New York ; do., and Dr. y*- Bainbridge and Daughter, His- torical Society, ib. Art Journal (1805), 7 ; j Ch. Blanc, Ecole allemando ; Kramm, ii. 473 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 308 ; Scharf, 423 ; Riegel, Beitrilge, ii. 120 ; Walpole, Anec- dotes, iii. 26. LEMAIRE, LOUIS, born in Paris ; con- temporary. Flower and landscape painter, pupil of Jules Dupre and Boulard. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works : Pasture in Pas-de- Calais (1876) ; Mill in Downs of Merlimon (1877) ; Sunset on the Oise (1878) ; Even- ing at Villerville (1879) ; Pasture atVasony, Sunset near Trouville (1880) ; Sunset at Vil- lerville (1881) ; Peonies and Lilacs, Le Petit- Val (1882) ; Rose-bush, Hut at Veulettes (1883) ; Group of Peonies (1884) ; Huts near Veulettes, Bunch of Poppies (1885). LEMAIRE-POUSSIN, JEAN, born at Dammartin, near Paris, in 1597, died at Gail- Ion (Eure) in 1659. French school ; his- tory, portrait, landscape, and architecture painter, pupil of Claude Vignon ; went in 1613 to Rome, where he executed large works in fresco; returned to Paris in 1623, and, having been employed by Cardinal Richelieu, went to Rome again with Poussin in 1642, and after his second return to Paris was appointed first painter to the king in 1647. Lodged in one of the pavilions in the Tuileries, he lost all his possessions in a conflagration, and, barely escaping with his life, retired to Gaillon. His surname was given him on account of his intimacy with Poussin. Works : Views of Ancient Monuments in Rome (2), Louvre. Jal, 763; Siret (1833), i. 541. LEMAN, JACQUES EDMOND, born at L'Aigle (Orne), Sept, 15, 1829. History and portrait painter, pupil of Picot. Honorable mention, 1855. Works : Leisure of Virgil (1852), Alencon Museum ; Death of Vittoria (,'olonna (1853), Rouen Museum ; Duel be- tween Coligny and Guise (1855) ; Louis XIV. and Mine. Montespan (1861) ; Cor- neille before Louis XIV. ; Petit Lever du Roi (18G3), Arras Museum ; Louis XIV. and the Embassy from Siarn (1867) ; Agnes and Ar- nulph (1874), Nantes Museum ; The Joy of France in 1638 (1876) ; Taking of Cahors by the English (1880). Bellier, i. 993; Miiller, 330 ; Vapereau (1880), 1135. LE MARIE DESLANDELLES, EMILE, born at Poutorson (Manche); contemporary. Landscape painter, pupil of Gerome, Ra- pin, and Pelouse. Medal, 3d class, 1881. Works : Farm of Kerin (1875) ; Banks of the Aven (1877) ; Source of the Aven (1878) ; Snow in December (1880); Foot- Bridge at Mesnil, Glaise (1881); Oak-Trees of Bernay- sur-Orne (1882) ; Haut Chateau de la courbe (1883); Rush Cutter, Willows of Father Pierre (1884) ; Partridge Cover, Mesnil-Jean (1885). LEMATTE, JACQUES FRANCOIS FER- NAND, born at Saint Queutin (Aisne), July 58