Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 3.djvu/97

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LENEPVEU Storm (1857) ; Forum Komamim (1858) ; Portrait of Physician (1859) ; Portrait of L. von Hagn (1865) ; Emperor of Germany (1873) ; Emperor of Austria (1873) ; Bis- marck, Moltke, National Gallery, Berlin ; Bismarck (1879), Kuusthalle, Hamburg ; Gladstone, Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner, Franz Lachner, Helmholtz, Diilliiiger, Lip- hart, Paul He3 - se and Wife, Baron von Schack, Bismarck, King Louis II. of Bava- ria, Countess Marie von Schleinitz (1880), Dollinger (1872), Bismarck (1884), Pope Leo Xin. (1885), New Pinakothek, Munich ; A Shepherd Boy, Artist's portrait, A Fran- ciscan Monk, Male portraits (2), Female portrait, Head Study, View of the Alhambra, do. of Vega of Granada, The Tocador de la Reina in the Alhambra, Schack Gal- lery, ib. ; Portrait of the Poet Lenthard, Zurich Gallery. Allgem. K. Ch., x. 354 ; Kunst-Chronik, xv. 409 ; xx. 444, 524 ; Miil- ler, 331 ; Nord uiul Siid, i. 113 ; Pecht, D. K., ii. 110 ; Eeber, iii. 256 ; Schack, Meinc Gemaldesammlung (1884), Id ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iv. 1C ; vi. 303 ; ix. (Mittheilungen), ii. 45 ; xvii. 340 ; Graph. K, iii. 29. LENEPYEU, JULES EUGENE, born at Angers, Deo. 12, 1819. Genre and history painter, pupil of Picot and of the JCcole des Beaux Arts. Made a brilliant beginning at the Salon in 1843 ; won the grand prix de Rome in 1847, and went to Italy for six years. Has since been a very successful artist. Medals : 3d class, 1847 ; 2d class, 1855, 1801 ; L. of Honour, 1802 ; Officer, 1876 ; Member of Institute, 1809 ; director of French Academy in Rome, 1872 to 1878. Works : Joseph's Coat given to Jacob (1841), Samuel anointing David (1842), Cincinnatus receiving Delegates of the Senate (1844), Christ in the Pr;etorium (1845), Sickness of Alexander (1840), Mar- tyrdom of St. Saturuinus (1847), Antigone and Polynices (1850), Portrait of the Painter Jean Michel Mercier (1847), Angers Muse- um ; Idyl (1843); Death of Vitellius (1847); Martyrs in the Catacombs (1855), Luxem- bourg Museum ; Pius IX. in the Sistine Chapel (1855), Laval Museum ; Festival in Venice (1855) ; Venetian Wedding (1857), M. Emile Pereire ; Moses saving the Daugh- ters of Midian (1859) ; Virgin on Calvary, (1801), Nantes Museum ; Hours of the Day and Night, Paris Opera House ; also deco- rations in St. Anne's Chapel in St. Sulpice, Paris, as well as in other public buildings. Bellier, i. 1002 ; Miiller, 332. LENG ERICH, HEINRICH, born in 1 Stettin in 1790, died in Berlin in 1805. History painter, pupil in Berlin of Wach ; then studied in Italy in 1817-21 after Raph- ael and Correggio, and became professor at the Berlin Academy. Works : Descent from the Cross, St. Jacob's, Stettin ; Twelve Christian Mar- f | T 'tyrs, Chapel 4 J 14 XJ J L

Royal Palace, ^ * | , '

' Berlin ; Entombment. Allgem. d. Biogr., . xviii. 250 ; Raczynski, iii. GO ; Rosenberg, Berliner Malerschule, 55. LENOIR, PAUL MARIE, born in Paris about 1850, died in Cairo in 1881. Genre painter, pupil of Gc'rmne and Jalabert. Medal, 1st class, 187(5. Works : Cantbi/xex at Pelusium (1807); Japanese Brook (1872); Trained Elephant ; Japanese Festival ; Cairo (1879) ; Races at Osaka in Japan (1880). L'Art (1881), xxxv. 72. LENS, ANDRIES CORNELIS, born in Antwerp, March 31, 1739, died in Brussels, March 30, 1822. Flemish school ; history and portrait painter, pupil of Karel Eyck- ens and Balthasar Beschey ; studied in Rome (1704-09), after Raphael and the antique. Professor in Antwerp Academy in 1703-81. A degenerate scion of a once famous school ; composition feeble, flesh false in tone, exe- cution uncertain. Works : Annunciation, Portrait of the Engraver Marteuaise (1702), Art Triumphant over Ignorance (1703), Mu- seum, Antwerp ; Presentation in the Tem- ple, St. Augustine's, ib.; Samson and De- lilah, Ariadne and Bacchus, Offering to Bacchus, Brussels Museum ; Annunciation, St. Michael's, Ghent ; Departure of St. Rumbold, Murder of St. Rumbold, Cathe- 61