Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/106

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RONCALLI fran9ais, i. ; Lavice, 314 ; Burckhardt, 776, 793. BONO AT JJ, CRISTOFANO, Cavaliere, born in Pomarance, near Volterra, in 1552, died in Eome, May, 1626. Eoman school ; sometimes called, from his birthplace, Cava- liere delle Poma- rance. Pupil of Nic- colo Circignani, called also Delle Pomarance, under whom he became a good historical painter. Employed in the decoration of the Vatican. Painted Death of Ananias and Sapphira, which was copied in mosaic for St. Peter's. Painted also the Baptism of Constantine, in S. Gio- vanni di Laterano ; but his most noted works are the frescos with which he decorated the cupola of La Santa Casa di Loreto. The walls of S. Stefano, Rome, are covered with frescos by him, representing the martyrdoms of saints from the Crucifixion to the reign of Julian. In the Old Pinakothek, Munich, is a Martyrdom of Simon of Cana, and in the Schleissheim Gallery a Joseph interpret- ing the Dreams. Lanzi, i. 467 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole ombrienne. RONDANI, FEANCESCO MAEIA, born in Parma about end of 15th century, died about 1548. Lombard school ; pupil of Correggio, and his assistant in S. Giovanni ; imitated his master's style very closely. Works : Frescos in fifth chapel of Duomo, Cremona ; Madonna in Glory, Parma Gal- lery ; Madonna and Saints (2), Galleria Es- tense, Modena ; Holy Family, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Lanzi, ii. 399 ; Ch. Blanc, cole lombarde ; Burckhardt, 701. EONDEL, FEEDERIC, born in Paris in 1826. Landscape painter, pupil of Auguste Jugelet and of Theodore Gudin. First ex- hibited in the National Academy in 1855. Elected an A.N. A. in 1860. Works : Water- Fall near Amherst, Mass. (1882); Old | Orchard at Newport, E. I. (1883) ; The | Eecluse (1884); View at Rhinebeck, Busch-a- Bouck Falls at Ehinebeck (1885). EONDINELLO, NICCOL6, of Forli and Ravenna, beginning of 16th century. Ve- netian school ; pupil of Giovanni Bellini, Venice, and one of his most industrious as- sistants, aiding in the production of pictures which Bellini sold as his own, and painting Madonnas which might well pass as the work of his master. All his early works show that he was impressed by one class of Bellinesque models ; in his later ones he is as much an imitator of Palmezzano as of the Venetians. His Madonna, in the Palaz- zo Doria, Eome, and another, in the Forli Museum, are examples of his earlier style ; and his Madonna and Saints, in the Eavenna Gallery, of his later style. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 591 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., v. 17 ; ix. 148 ; xi. 93, 147. RONNER, HENRIETTE (nee Knip), born in Amsterdam, May 31, 1821. Animal painter, daughter and pupil of Josephus Au- gustus Knip ; paints domestic animals with fine observation and humour. Works : Af- ter the Meal ; Boy and Dog ; Waiting for Dinner ; Dog Begging ; Exodus of Dogs ; Hare-Hunt (1876) ; Cart drawn by Dogs, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; The Exact Hour (1884) ; Fine Arts School (1885) ; Flowers and Accessories (1886) ; Unlocked Door, Dog and Pigeon, Stettin Museum ; j Coming from Market, Mrs. D. D. Colton, I San Francisco ; School of Painting (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886). Immerzeel, ii. 119 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1884), i. 224 ; Kramm, v. 1385. RONOT, CHARLES, born at Belan-sur- Ource (Cote d'Or), May 28, 1820. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Glaize. Paints popular life in the style of Courbet. Med- als : 2d class, 1876 ; 1st class, 1878. Works : Christ healing the Sick at Pool of Bethes- da (1855) ; Women and the Secret (1868) ; 66