Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/108

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EOOS tires for the duke. His drawing is less commendable than his colouring. In the Schleissheim Gallery is by him a Nativity. Ch. Blanc, ficole allemande ; Immerzeel, iii. 27 ; Kramm, v. 1387 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 529 ; Nagler, xiii. 353 ; do., Moil., iii. 552 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xiv. 391. EOOS, JOHANN MELCHIOE, born at Frankfort in 1659, died there in 1731. Ger- man school ; animal and portrait painter, son and pupil of preceding, studied in Italy in 168G-90 ; after his return married in Nu- remberg, and settled in Frankfort ; lived also temporarily in Switzerland, where he painted portraits at Schaffhausen, Winter- thur, etc.; employed several years by the landgrave of Hesse Cassel, for whom he painted some of his best works. Works : Landscape with Cattle (2), Bamberg Gal- lery ; Annunciation to the Shepherds, Cassel Gallery ; Boar Hunt, Deer Hunt, two others, Darmstadt Museum ; Cattle-Piece (1G87), Christ on Mount of Olives (1710), Amalien- stift, Dessau ; Stags under an Oak (1714), Dresden Museum ; Landscape with Lion Family (1716), Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Four Animal Pieces (two dated 1716, 1717); Meiningen Gallery ; "White Stag and Hind, White Bears ( 1729 )> Animal Life ( 1732 )> Schwerin Gallery; Boar Hunt, Stag Hunt, Stuttgart Museum ; Sheep and Goats, Wiesbaden Gallery. Na- gler, xiii. 360. EOOS, PHILIPP PETEE, surnamed Eosa di Tivoli, born in Frankfort in 1655, died in Borne in 1705. German school ; landscape and animal painter, son and pupil of Johanu Heinrich, in whose style he paint- ed in his earlier time ; in 1677 he went to Borne, where he studied under Brandi, whose daughter he married, and later settled at Tivoli, whence his surname. He painted life-size figures and animals in a broad yet superficial manner, and in a heavy brown tone. Works : Wolf tearing Lamb, Lou- vre ; Noah and Animals, seven others, Dres- den Gallery ; Falls of Tivoli, Flock of Sheep, Two Cavalry Skirmishes, Vienna Museum ; seventeen pictures, Cassel Gallery ; others in Galleries and Museums of Augsburg, Bamberg, Bologna (2), Brunswick, Brussels, Carlsruhe (2), Darmstadt (2), Gotha (3, one dated 1694), Leipsic (2), Madrid (8), Nu- remberg (2), Oldenburg, Schleissheim (5), Schwerin ; Eaczynski Gallery, Berlin (2) ; Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ; Hermitage, St. Petersburg (4) ; Uffizi, Florence. Hia son Jacob, called Eosa da Napoli (born at Tivoli in 1680), painted at Naples quite in the same manner. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 531. EOOS (Eosa), JOSEF, born in Vienna, Oct. 9, 1726, died there, Aug. 25 (or 30), 1805. Landscape and animal painter, son of and first instructed by Cajetan Eoos (died in Vienna about 1735, son of Eosa da Tiv- oli), then studied after the works of his grandfather, and became pupil of the Vi- enna Academy ; setting out to travel, he worked at Dresden, with the interruption of a year's (1757) sojourn in Berlin, and on his return to Vienna became inspector of the Belvedere Gallery, of which he pub- lished in 1796 a valuable comprehensive description. He was court painter to Au- gustus IH. of Saxony, and member of the Dresden Academy. Works: Mountain Land- scape with Sheep (1770), Museum, Vienna ; do. and Shepherd Family (2, 1763), Liech- tenstein Gallery, ib. ; Four Great Land- scapes, Summer Palace of Schonbrun ; Landscape with Flock (1765), Dresden Museum. Wurzbach, xxvi. 335. EOOSE or EOZE, NICHOLAS. See Liemaeker. EOOY, JOHANNES BAPTISTA VAN, born in Antwerp, March 11, 1808. His- tory, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of M. van Bree ; visited Italy, France, and England. Medal, 1836. Works : Last Mo- ments of Egmont (1836) ; Philip of Marnix fleeing from the Spaniards (1839) ; Eeturn of Nuns to their Convent ; Farewell of Al- brecht Beyling (1844). Immerzeel, iii. 29 ; Kramm, v. 1389. 68