Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/110

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KOSA his master. About 1635 he went to Rome, was patronized by Cardinal Bz-ancaccia, and painted for him several works at Viterbo. After a visit to Naples he went to Rome again, in 1639, and soon became famous as a painter, a musician, and a satirical poet. In 1647, on hearing of the insurrection of Mas- aniello, he hastened to Naples and joined the Compagnia della Morte, of which Falcone was the leader. On the downfall of Masa- niello he returned to Rome, where he got into trouble by a satirical picture, and there- fore accepted the invitation of the Grand Duke to visit Florence. In 1652 he returned to Rome, and spent the rest of his days there. Salvator Rosa was ambitious to excel as an historical painter, and his masterpiece is considered to be the Conspiracy of Catiline, in the Pitti, Florence ; but he was more successful in landscapes and marine views. He is at his best when he depicts a den of robbers amid the wildest surroundings naked crags, gloomy pools, foaming tor- rents, trees scathed by lightning or the tempest. He excelled also in battle scenes, his figures being full of movement and ex- pression. Among his works are : His por- trait (2), and Landscapes with Figures (2), Uffizi, Florence ; Two Marine Pieces, Selva de' Filosofi, Conspiracy of Catiline, Temp- tation of St. Anthony, Portrait of himself, nine others, Palazzo Pitti, ib. ; Souls in Pur- gatory, St. Paul in the Desert, Brera, Milan ; Scene from " Jerusalem Delivered," Grotto with Satyrs, Two Landscapes, Galleria Es- tense, Modena ; Parable of St. Matthew, Battle Piece, Christ and the Doctors, Naples Museum ; Court Scene, Landscape, Palazzo Colonna, Rome ; Prometheus, Four Battle Pieces, The Giant Titius, Palazzo Corsini, Rome ; St. Roch, Landscape, Belisarius, Pa- lazzo Doria, ib.; The Painter and Satyrs, Palazzo Chigi, ib. ; Battle Piece, Tobias and the Angel, Samuel appearing to Saul, Lou- vre, Paris ; Bay and City of Salerno, Madrid Museum ; Stormy Sea, Berlin Museum ; Jo- nah threatening the Inhabitants of Nineveh, Cadmus and Minerva, Italian Seaport, Co- penhagen Gallery ; Storm at Sea, Landscape with Temptation of St. Anthony, do. with St. Jerome and the Lion, Portrait of the Artist, Dresden Museum ; Three Monks by Stormy Sea, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Soldiers Resting, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Sol- diers of Gideon quenching their Thirst, Two Coast Views, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Pro- metheus on the Rock, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Belisarius relating his Fate, Treasure Diggers in Subterranean Room chastised by Devils, Rocky Landscape with Jacob and his Herd, Oldenburg Gallery ; Prodigal Son, Nausicaa and Ulysses, De- mocritus and Protagoras, Soldiers at Dice, Male Portraits (3), Seaports (2), Landscapes (2), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Combat of Roman Horsemen (1645), four others, Vi- enna Museum ; Landscapes with Figures, etc., in Galleries and Museums of Bergamo, Aix-la-Chapelle, Cassel (2), Carlsruhe, Darm- stadt, Geneva (2), Stettin, Stuttgart (3), Tu- rin (2), Wiesbaden, London (3), and Edin- f burgh (2); Historical Society, New ITJ York (3). Baldinucci, v. 437 (ed. -J/V 1846); Ch. Blanc, Ecole napoli- taine ; Burckhardt, 768, 774, 782 ; Kugler (Eastlake), ii. 596 ; Nagler, xiii. 370. ROSA DI TTVOLI. See Boos, Philipp. ROSALBA. See Carriera, Rosalba. ROSALES, EDUARDO, born in Madrid in 1837, died in Rome, Sept. 13, 1873. History painter, pupil of Madrid Academy under L. Ferrant and Madrazo ; went in 1857 to Rome and Siena, where he studied after the old masters. Afterwards lived for some time at Murcia, and then became di- rector of the Spanish Academy at Rome. Medals : Madrid, 1866, 1871 ; Paris, and L. of Honour, 1867. Order of Isabella. 70