Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/120

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KOUX from an Excursion, Scholar in his Study (1847), Ravene Gallery, Berlin ; Mozart's First Opera, Marietta Tintoretto (1850) ; Bernard Palissy, Poussin, Absence, Tinto- retto (1855); Rembrandt's Studio (1857), St. Petersburg Academy ; Palissy studying Geology, Claude Lorrain in the Forum (1857) ; Incident of Civil War of the Fronde, Montaigne, Delaroche's Studio in 1856 (1859) ; Hosanna (1859), Ravene Gal- lery, Berlin ; Portrait of a Girl (1861) ; Christ washing Apostles' Feet (1863) ; St. John Baptist (1864); Van der Neer painting Moonlight (1866) ; St. Francis of Assisi and the Birds (1867); Music, Epic Poetry, Light Literature, History (1870) ; St. Vincent de Paul receiving Extreme Unction (1874), Chapel in Dourdan ; Christ in the Tomb, Descent from the Cross, Studio of a Flower Painter (1875); St. Thomas Aquinas (1877); Hill of Vachon at Argenteuil, Hill of Orge- mont (1879) ; Promontory of Porspoder, The Minou near Brest (1880); Saint Michel- Sousgland (1881); The Stairs at Brest (1882); Gravel-Pits of Sannois (1883) ; St. Veronica (1884); twenty-four frescos in St. Magdalen, Kouen. Bellier, ii. 435 ; Larousse. EOUX DE KOUX, MAlTRE. See Rosso. HO VERB, ELEONORA GONZAGA DELLA, Duchess of Urbino, portrait, Ti- tian, Uffizi, Florence ; canvas, figure half- length, life-size. Same history as the fol- lowing. C. & C., Titian, i. 413 ; Dennis- toun, Dukes of Urbino, iii. 48, 372, 437, 442. ROVERE, FRANCESCO DELLA, Duke of Urbino, portrait, Titian, Uffizi, Florence ; canvas, figure half-length, life-size ; signed. In armour, with a plumed helmet and em- blems of his rank in a niche behind. Paint- ed in 1537, when the Duke had gone to Venice to assume command as generalissimo against the Turks. Passed from Urbino to Florence on extinction of house of Urbino in 1631. C. & C., Titian, i. 411 ; Dennis- toun, Dukes of Urbino, iii. 58, 371, 437, 442 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 443 ; Gall, di Fi- renze, i. No. 25. ROVEREDO, BATTLE OF, Clarkson Stanfield, London ; canvas. Fought in Sep- tember, 1796, by Massena and Augereau, against Davidovich, who was guarding the Tyrol with 40,000 men. In foreground, the French infantry are fording the Adige, and in distance are again seen passing the bridge, under fire from batteries ; on the right, the fortress ; on left, inhabitants flying from their houses ; background, the snow-clad Alps. Royal Academy, 1851. At E. J. Cole- man sale (1881), 3,465. Art Journal (1851), 156. ROVIALE. See Rubiates. BOWSE, SAMUEL WORCESTER, born at Bath, Me., Jan. 29, 1822. Figure and portrait painter, self taught ; best known by his portraits in crayons and his ideal heads, many of which have been reproduced by photography and other processes. Works in oil by him, chiefly ideal heads and fig- ures, are owned by Frederic E. Church, Daniel Huntington, William H. Osborn, and M. K. Jesup, New York ; Dr. Estes Howe, and Peter C. Brooks, Boston ; and Knight Cheney, Manchester, Conn. ROY, JEAN BAPTISTS DE, born in Brussels, March 29, 1759, died there, Jan. 7, 1839. Landscape and animal painter ; studied after the old Dutch masters. Works : Cattle Herd in Stormy Landscape, Brussels Museum ; Cows crossing Pool at Sunrise (1804), Ghent Museum ; Landscape with Figures and Animals (1790), Gotha Muse- um ; Dead Game and Fruits, do., and Boy with Dog, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna. Michiels, x. 564. ROY, MARIUS, born at Lyons ; contein- porary. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Boulanger and of Jules Lefebvre. Medal, 3d class, 1883. Works : In Ambush (1881); Do not Stir! (1882) ; In Quarters (1883) ; Corvee de Rutamage (1884) ; Before the Duel (1885); Poverty's Share (1886). ROYBET, FERDINAND (VICTOR LfiON), born at Uzes (Gard), April 20, 1840. Figure painter, pupil in Lyons of Ecole des Beaux Arts ; settled in Paris, 80