Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/124

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EUBENS Rainbow, Flight of Lot, Elijah in the Desert, Tomyris, Kirmess, History of Maria de' Med- ici, Portrait of the same, do. of Helena Four- ment and two of her Children, Louvre, Paris ; Kape of the Sabines, Chapeau de Paille, Tri- umph of Silenus, Judgment of Paris, Land- scape, Conversion of St. Bavon, Peace and War, National Gallery, London ; Field, Coro- nation of the Virgin, Adoration of the Magi, Procession to Calvary, Brussels Museum ; five sketches (en grisaille) for the Maria de' Medici Series, two for the Jaines I. White- hall Series, Portraits of Rubens's two Wives, Venus and Adonis, ten Portraits, Portrait of the Comte de Bucquoy, Silenun and Sa- tyrs, Perseus and Andromeda, Madonna, Madonna with Saints, Adoration of Magi, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Ulysses and Nausicaii, Landscape, The Philosophers, Two Holy Families, Horrors of War, Nymphs and Satyrs, Portrait of Duke of Bucking- ham, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Henri IV. at Ivry, Entry of Henri IV. into Paris, Por- traits of Rubens's two Wives, Bacchanal, Venus and Adonis, Hercules between Vice and Virtue, Uffizi, Florence ; Adoration of the Magi, Three Holy Families, Eleven Apos- tles, Lapiths and Centaurs, Supper at Em- maus, Fifteen Mythological Subjects, Eques- trian Portrait of Philip II., of Don Fernando of Austria, of Sir Thomas More, Garden of Love, Doctors of the Church, Mercury and Argus, Milky Way, Nymphs and Satyrs (2), Orpheus and Eurydice, Perseus and Androm- eda, liudolph of Hapsburg, Madrid Mu- seum ; Rape of Sabines, Reconciliation of Sabines and Romans, Escorial ; Crucifixion, ' St. Theresa, Dead Christ, Education of the Virgin, Adoration of the Magi, Incredulity of St. Thomas, Portraits of Nicholas Rockox and Adrienne Perez, Antwerp Museum ; Ad- oration of Magi, St. Jean, Mechlin ; Perseus and Andromeda, Helena Fourment, Assump- tion of the Virgin, Daughter of Rubens, Landscape, St. Sebastian, Madonna with Saints, Raising of Lazarus, Neptune and Amphitrite, Berlin Museum ; Pan and Syr- inx, Prairie de Laeckeu, Pythagoras, two Portraits, Buckingham Palace, London ; Marriage of St. Catharine, Madonna with Saints, Stafford House ; Wolf Hunt, Diana and Nymphs, Lord Ashburton ; Holy Fam- ily, Rainbow, Peter receiving the Keys, Hertford House ; Perseus and Andromeda, Rape of Proserpine, Rubens and Helena Fourment, Helena Formann (Fourment), Blenheim Palace ; Madonna (1,360), Holy Family (460), Adoration of Magi (1,500), Meleager and Atalanta (Cavendish Ben- tinck, 520), Return from Egypt (1,500), Holy Family (1,000), Suffer Little Chil- dren (800), Flight of Lot (1,850), Holy Family (1,400), Infant Saviour and St. John (50), Distribution of the Rosary, Paracelsus, Artist's Portrait, Portrait of Anne of Austria (3,700), Roman Charity (1,200), Triumph of Silenus (60), Venus and Adonis (7,200), Blenheim Palace sale, London, 1886 ; Pausias and Glycera, Ixion, Landscape, Grosvenor House ; Tomyris, Cobham Hall ; Woman taken in Adultery, Conversion of St. Paul, Holy Family, Leigh Court ; Helena Fourment, Venus, Mars, and Cupid, Two Landscapes, Dulwich Gal- lery ; Madonna with Saints, Duke of Rut- land ; St. Martin, Portrait of Philip IV, Portrait of Rubens, Landscape, Sir B. Ger- bier and his Family, Holy Family, Wind- sor Castle ; Prelates Kneeling, Petworth ; Daughter of Herodias, Castle Howard ; Re- turn from Egypt, Lions chasing Deer, Met- ropolitan M u s e - um> New York - -Bakhuizen van Jen Brink Les / <T-J _, Rubens a Siegen ( / (Hague, 1861); / ^-UJO4i4 Cat. du Mus. /etvC" d'Anvers, 291; " Dohme, li.; Du PE PA RVB NJ Mortier, Recher- f 1 f^ ( ^L/' ches and Nou-

  • velles Recherches

(Brussels, 1861, 1862) ; Ennen, Ueber den Geburtsort des P. P. R. (Cologne, 1861) ; Gachard, Histoire politique, etc. (Brussels, 84