Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/132

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KUTH vas. Boaz sleeping upon his threshing- floor, under a tent formed of a blanket stretched over young trees ; at his feet re- clines Kuth, her head supported by her left arm, which rests upon a sheaf of barley ; in the background, the glimmer of day is just spreading upward from the horizon. Art Treasures of America, ii. 26, 30. By Jean Fram^ois Millet, Martin Brim- mer, Boston. A harvest scene, with real peasants for characters. The master finds a young gleaner and leads her blushing to the feast of the country people. Salon, 1853. By Nicolas Poussin, Louvre, Paris ; can- vas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 5 ft. 3 in. In a vast plain covered with grain, with hills and buildings on the horizon, women are en- gaged in harvesting ; in foreground, Ruth kneels before Boaz, who orders a follower leaning upon a lance not to hinder her from gleaning. Sometimes called L'ete (Sum- mer). One of a series of four, painted in 1660-64, for Due de Richelieu, whence passed to Louis XIV. Engraved by J. Pesne. Filhol, iv. PI. 256 ; Landon. RUTH AND NAOMI, Murillo, Earl of Radnor, Longford Castle, Wiltshire, Eng- land ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 8 in. x G ft. 8 in. The two leaving Moab ; in background, Orpah returning to city. Waagen, Treas- ures, iv. 358 ; Stirling, iii. 1416 ; Curtis, 124. RUTHART, KARL, flourished about 1660-80. German school ; painter of ani- mals and hunts, was a resident of Ratisbon in 1664 ; seems to have travelled in Italy about 1672 and lived for some time in Ven- ice. Works : Bear Hunt, Louvre ; Stag at- tacked by two Lions, Bamberg Gallery ; Fierce Combat between Stags and Dogs, Schleissheim Gallery ; Stags upon Preci- pice ; Stag Hunt, Bear Hunt, Ulysses com- pelling Circe to disenchant his Companions (1666), Dresden Gallery ; Stag Hunt, Mu- seum, Vienna ; Shepherd leaning upon Don- key, Lion fighting Panthers, Stag attacked by Lynxes, Leopardess nursing a Child, Lion by dead Stag attacked by Panthers, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib.; Elks, Deer, and Waterfowl on a Rocky Shore (2), Harrach Gallery, ib.; Deer in a Landscape, do. in Mountains, Bear Hunt, Stag Hunt, Czernin Gallery, ib.; Bear Hunt, Schonborn Gal- lery, ib. ; Stag Hunt, Leopards by dead Stags, and Eagles, Ferdinandeum, Inns- bruck ; Deer Grazing and Fowl, Stag at- tacked by Leopards, Palazzo Pitti, Flor- ence. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 532; Nagler, Mon., ii. 236. RUTHS, VALENTIN, born in Hamburg, March 6, 1825. Landscape painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Schirmer ; went to Italy in 1855, spent two years in Rome and settled in Hamburg, whence he repeatedly visited Germany, Switzerland, and North Italy. Member of Berlin Acad- emy in 1869 ; gold medal, Berlin, 1872. Works : View in Roman Campagna, Even- ing in Sabine Mountains (1856), Forest Brook, Landscape with Harvest Wagon, Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Northern Heath (1864), Prague Gallery; Giant's Grave; Well in the Woods (1866), Konigsberg Gallery ; Village in Rhon Mountains ; Even- ing Walk near Small Town (1875), Dresden Gallery ; Morteratsch Glacier ; Woodland near Lugano ; View on Baltic Coast, Na- tional Gallery, Berlin ; Hermit in the Woods, Summer Night in Holstein (Jubilee Exhibi- tion, Berlin, 1886). Kunst fiir Alle, i. 258 ; Leixner, Mod. K., ii. 116 ; Miiller, 454. RUYSCH, RACHEL, born in Amsterdam in 1664, died there in 1750. Dutch school ; flower and fruit painter, pupil of Willem van Aelst ; married (1695) the portrait paint- er Juriaan Pool, joined The Hague guild, 1701, and became court painter to the Elec- tor Palatine in 1708. Works : Flower and Fruit-Pieces with Insects, etc., in Museums of Brussels (1704), Amsterdam (4, one dated 1659), The Hague (2, 1700, 1715), Rotter- dam (1685), Aix-la-Chapelle, Berlin (1705),