Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/162

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SCIIAFFNER Woodland in Carpathian Mountains (1857), Art Union, Vienna ; Lonely Lake (1863) ; Sea Coast, Autumn in Hungarian Forest (1864), Eeturn from World's Fair (1873), Museum, ib.; Autumn (1868), Academy, ib. Wurzbach, xxix. 46 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, ix. (Mittheilungen, ii. 28) ; Graph. K, i. 6, 32. SCHAFFNER, MARTIN, flourished in TJlm about 1500-35. German school ; his- tory and portrait painter, perhaps a pupil of Zeitblom, and after him the most emi- nent artist of the school of TJlm. He was a realist, and especially successful in portrait- ure. Works : Portrait of Count Oettingen (1508), do. of mathematician Peter Appian, Annunciation (1523), Presentation in the Temple, Descent of the Holy Ghost, Death of the Virgin (all 1524), Pieta, Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; Christ's Passion (4, 1515), Augsburg Gallery ; Christ's Entry into Jerusalem, three other scenes in Life of Christ, Schleissheim Gallery ; six do., Ho- henzollern Museum, Sigmaringen ; SS. Peter and Paul (1518), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Altai- Wings (1521), Two Portraits (1516 and 1530), TJlm Cathedral ; Adoration of the Magi, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Por- traits of Six Kneeling Figures (1514), En- tombment (1510), Descent to Hell, Resur- rection (1516), Descent of the Holy Ghost (1519), Archaeological Union, Stuttgart ; Six Saints, Berlin Museum ; two do., Stuttgart Museum ; Madonna, Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna. Ch. AA C AA ^ W Blanc, Ecole S ^J / J allemande; Heideloff, Kunst des Mittelalters in Schwa- ben, 119 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 220 ; Nagler, Mon., iv. 670 ; Schnaase, viii. 432 ; W. & W., ii. 453. SCHALCKEN, GODFRIED, born in Dordrecht in 1643, died at The Hague, Nov. 16, 1706. Dutch school ; genre painter, pu- pil of Samuel van Hoogstraten, and Gerard Dou ; visited England, and there executed small portraits, among them that of William HI, with much success. Occasionally paint- ed historical pictures, but his best works are genre subjects, lighted by artificial light. Works: Lesbia weigh- ing Jewels against her Sparrow, Old Woman scouring Ket- tle, Duet, Officer pre- senting Jewellery to Lady, National Gal- lery, London ; Le Roi detrousse, Painter and his Family, Young Girl with Candle, Buckingham Palace, ib.; Smoker by Candle Light, Mr. Hope, ib. ; Male Por- trait, Mr. Baring, ib.; Ceres with Torch seeking Proserpine, Two Women by Can- dle-Light, Old Man Writing, Louvre ; Young Man melting Wax, Brussels Museum ; Lady at Toilet, Useless Remonstrance, Consulta- tion, Venus with Doves, Portrait of William IH. (1699), Hague Museum ; Girl putting Candle into Lantern, Man Smoking, Boy eating an Egg, Evei-y One after his own Fancy, Portrait of William HI., two other Portraits, Amsterdam Museum ; Old Lady's Portrait (1677), Suermondt Museum, Aix- la-Chapelle ; Male Portrait, Girl with Coal Basin, Young Man with Plaster Mask, Bruns- wick Gallery ; Bathers, Warrior undressed for Bath, Rommelpot Player, Carlsruhe Gal- lery ; The Magdalen (2), Venus and Cupid (2), Artist's Wife, Old Man, Cassel Gallery ; Magdalen Penitent, Cologne Museum ; do., Germanic Museum, Nuremberg ; Holy Fam- ily at Evening Prayer, Sealing a Letter, Fishermen, Juno vexed at her Image, Gal- lery, Copenhagen ; Salome with Head of St. John, Moltke Collection, ib. ; Lighting his Pipe, Portrait of W T illiam IH., Darm- stadt Museum ; Fortune Teller, Gotha Mu- seum ; Girl trying to blow out Taper, Wise and Foolish Virgins (1700), Magdalen, Holy Family, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Holy Family, Portrait of an Electress (1703), Schleissheim Gallery ; Boy and Girl (1682), three others, Schwerin Gallery : A Hermit, Stuttgart Museum ; Girl reading Letter, 122