Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/171

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SCIIICK of Dannecker, Museum, Stuttgart ; Noah's ' Thauk-Offering (1805), Royal Palace, ib. Forster, iv. 69; Haakh, Beitruge, 13, 23, 69 ; Kugler, Kl. Schr., 8. SCHICK, KAKL FRIEDRICH, born at Hilpertsau, Baden, April 17, 1826, died at Tretenhof, June 26, 1875. Genre and his- tory painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy. Works : Dead Child viewed by his Play- mates, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Susanna and the Elders, Dresden Museum. SCHIDONE (Schedone), BARTOLOM- MEO, born in Modena about 1570 (?), died there, Dec. 27, 1615. Lom- bard school; said to have been a pupil of the Carracci, but his style shows careful study of Correggio, whose works he imi- tated, but without servility. Patronized by Duke Ranuccio of Modena, for whom he painted some admirable pictures. His fres- cos of the History of Coriolanus, in the Pa- lazzo Pubblico, have been called worthy of Correggio. He was an excellent portrait painter, but his favourite subjects were Ma- donnas and Holy Families. He left but few pictures, as he wasted his time in gambling, and his death is said to have been caused by grief at a heavy loss of money. His best works are : Repose of Love, Portrait, Christ crowned with Thorns, SS. Jerome, Paul, and Sebastian, Naples Museum ; Painter's Por- trait, Holy Family, Uffizi, Florence ; Ma- donna, Pallavicini Gallery, Genoa ; Last Supper, Parma Gallery ; Madonna del Cam- panello, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; Children, Heads, Turin Gallery ; Flight into Egypt, Dresden Gallery ; Massacre of the Inno- cents, St. John Baptist, Madonna, Two Holy Families, Madonna and Saints, Diana, Cu- pid, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Lanzi, ii. 360 ; Siret, 845 ; Seguier, 188 ; Burckhardt, 626, 764, 784, 795 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole lom- barde. SCHIERTZ, AUGUST FERDINAND, born at Leipsic in 1804, died at Nieder- fiihre, near Meissen, Sept. 10, 1878. Genre and history painter ; was at first a merchant, then an actor, before devoting himself to art in 1830. In his genre scenes he adhered to the old Dutch school. Was also an ex- cellent restorer of old pictures. Works : Vanitas, Museum, Leipsic ; The Contented Ones, President Giluther, ib.; Toper, Miu Dr. Mothes, ib.; Adoration of the Magi, Church at BOsenstiidt ; Christ and the Trib- ute Money, Descending of the Holy Ghost, Church at Podelwitz. SCHIESS, TRAUGOTT, born atHerisau, Switzerland, in 1834. Landscape painter, pupil in Munich of Steffan, and in Ztirich of Koller, also influenced by Biicklin in Ba- sle ; visited afterwards Cologne and Ant- werp. Medal, Berne, 1857. Works : View on Wallen Lake, Waterfall in Averse Valley, View in Glarner Mountains, St. Gall Mu- seum ; View near Iseltwald on Lake of Bri- enz, do. near Murg on Wallen Lake, Zurich Gallery ; Plateau in Swiss Alps ; Summer Evening ; Cows at the Water. SCHIFFER, ANTON, born at Gratz in 1811, died in Vienna, June 13, 1876. Land- scape painter, pupil of Vienna Academy. Works: View of the Schneeberg (1838), Museum, Vienna ; Grundel Lake in Upper Austria, Harrach Gallery, ib. ; View on Hin- tersee near Berchtesgaden (1845) ; Outlook from Schafberg near Ischl (1858) ; View of the Grossglockuer (1870); Gosau Lake with the Dachstein (1871). Cotta's Kunstbl., 1845 ; D. Kuustbl., 1858 ; Wurzbach, xxix. 291. SCHIFFER, MATHIAS, born at Puch, Styria, in 1742 or 1746, died after 1808. Landscape and architecture painter ; no particulars known. Works : Interior of Catholic Church (2, 1786, 1787), Schwerm Gallery ; others at Ratisbon and Gratz. SCHIFFMANN, JOST, born at Luzerne, Switzerland, March 30, 1822, died in Mu- 131