Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/175

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SCIILESINGER and in the Munich Gallery ; returned to Copenhagen in 1842 ; became member of the Academy in 1852, and professor in 1858. Works : Coppersmith reading Letter to his Wife (1841) ; Poulterer (1842), New Pina- kothek, Munich ; Grandmother teaching her Grandson to Pray (1842), Schwerin Gallery ; Zealand Fisherman Family (1857), Sailors in a Tavern (1861), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Scene from Danish Sailor-Life (1848), Cop- persmith in his Workshop (1859), Copen- hagen Gallery. Weilbach, 614. SCHLESINGER, ADAM, born at Eberts- heim, Bavaria, in 1759, died in 1829. Still-life painter. Works: Currant Bush with Bird's Nest, Strawberry Plant with Snail, etc. (1820), National Gallery, Berlin. SCHLESINGEE, FELIX, born in Ham- burg, Oct. 9, 1833. Genre painter, pupil of Dttsseldorf Academy and of Jordan ; lived for several years in Paris, and settled in Mu- nich. Works : Peasants in Holstein prepar- ing to go to Church (1854), Hamburg Gal- lery ; Saved from Shipwreck ; Post Office ; Children at the Well (1864); Young Couple's Visit to Parents (1866); At the Jeweller's ; In Danger, Out of Danger (1883). Mailer, 468. SCHLESINGER, HENRI GUILLAUME, born in Fraukfort-on-the-Maiu in 1814. Genre painter, pupil of the Vienna Academy, but went early to Paris, where he was natu- ralized and has since lived. Popular paint- er of light subjects. Medals : 3d class, 1840 ; 2d class, 1847 ; L. of Honour, 1866. Works : Seductions of Life, Walk to Church (1840) ; Spanish Guerillas, Margaret and the Tempter (1842) ; If Youth only Knew (1843); Harem Favourites, The Meal (1844) ; One of Rousseau's Days, Blind Man's Buff (1845); Bridge of Love (1846) ; Little Marguerite, A Harem, A Romance (1847) ; Voltaire's First Love (1848) ; Love's Confidences (1850) ; Improvising (1851) ; A Likeness Guaranteed (1853); Happiness in the Moun- tains, Hunting Butterflies, The Betrothed (1855) ; When the Masters are away (1857); Last Sitting of Charlotte Corday to the Artist Houer (1859); Foot-Bath, Tempta- tion, The Reception (I860) ; Festival of the Madonna (1864) ; Five Senses (1865) ; Car- mela, Reading (1866) ; Christmas Eve, Dead Bird (1867) ; Maria del Marco, Alone in the Studio (1868) ; Good Friends (1869) ; Tak- ing Pains for Nothing (1872) ; Miss Mis- chievous (1873) ; Brother and Sister (1874); The Dove-cot, Jane (1875) ; Like Grand- mother (1877) ; Broken Pot, Mistress's Bon- net (1879) ; Double Arrest (1880) ; Love in Old Times and Nowadays (1882) ; Modern Venus, Bohomieune (1884) ; Young Girl of Morocco (1885) ; The Favourite (1886). Claretie, Peintres, 110 ; Larousse ; Mdller, 468. SCHLESINGER, KARL, born at Lau- sanne in 1826. Genre and landscape paint- er, pupil in Hamburg of Hermann Kauff- mann, in 1844 of Prague Academy under Ruben, and in 1850 of Antwerp Academy under Dyckmans ; settled in Diisseldorf in 1852. Works : Emigrants going Aboard (1851), Wandering Musicians (1859), Even- ing on the Moselle (1863), Kunsthalle, Hamburg ; Moonlight with Priest carrying Viaticum, Proviuzial Museum, Hanover ; Memento Mori (1880). Meyer, Conv. Lex., xvii. 786 ; Miiller, 468. SCHLICHTEN, JAN PHILIPS VAN DER, flourished about 1720, died in Mann- heim in 1745. Dutch school ; history and genre painter, pupil of Adriaan van der Werff; painted for the Elector Charles Philip of the Palatinate. Works : St. An- drew with the Cross (1732) ; Village Mu- sician (1731), Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Tyrolese Peasant (1730), do. Woman, Lute- Player, Schleissheim Gallery. SCHLOEPKE, THEODOR, born at Schwerin, March 6, 1812, died there, Jan. 13, 1878. Portrait, genre, battle, and ani- mal painter, pupil of Berlin Academy, whence he returned to Schwerin in 1840 ; studied in Paris under Horace Vernet in 1847-48, and again in 1855-57 ; accompa- nied the Mecklenburg troops during the campaign in Schleswig-Holstein, and was made court painter in 1853. During his 136