Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/184

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SCHOOL cartoon in Ambrosian Library, Milan. Va- sari says the fresco represents the union of Theology and Philosophy through Astron- omy, and points out St. Matthew in the so-called Pythagoras. Giorgio Mantovano (1560) engraved it under the title of St. Paul disputing with Stoics and Epicureans. It has also been said to represent St. Paul preaching at Athens. Engraved by Volpato ; G. Ghisi. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 331 ; Mlintz, SCHOOL OF LEGISLATION, George Frederick Watts, Dining Hall of Lincoln's Inn, London ; fresco, H. 40 ft. x 45 ft. The great legislators of the world, Confucius, Moses, Justinian, and others, thirty-three figures in all, grouped in a manner obvious- ly inspired by Eaphael's School of Athens. A grand work, allied in conception and drawing to the Eoman and in colour to the Venetian school. It is surpassed in size School of Athens, Raphael, Camera della Segnatura, Vatican, Rome. 327 ; Passavant, ii. 79 ; Springer, 172 ; Kug- ler (Eastlake), ii. 428 ; Perkins, 123. SCHOOL, EVENING (De avondschool), Gerard Don, Amsterdam Museum ; wood, H. 1 ft. 9 in. x 1 ft, 4 in. The teacher, seat- ed behind a table at left, is talking, with his left forefinger raised ; in his front, a boy, his figure lighted by the flame of a can- dle on the table and a lantern on the floor, is leaning over a book ; other pupils in fore- ground at left, and in background; above, a curtain, draped to right. G. van der Pot sale, Rotterdam (1808), 17,500 francs. among modern works only by Cornelius's Last Judgment, at Munich. Portfolio (1870), 66. SCHOOL OF LOVE. See Cupid, Edu- cation of. SCHOOL, TURKISH (Ecole turque), Alexandre Drcamps, Fodor Museum, Am- sterdam ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 3 ft. In- terior, with the turbaned pedagogue seated on a divan and the children disposed in va- rious groups. Painted in 1846 ; formerly in collection of Marquis Maison ; acquired in Paris, 1857. Decamps painted a similar 144