Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/193

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SCHURAVLEFF tary of the Academy in 1816. Works : Burggrave Friedrich of Zollern surrender- ing the Emperor ; do. recognizing his Wife as Cavalry Leader (1800), Crossing of the Rhine at Caub by the Prussian Army (1826), Royal Palace, Berlin ; Julius Sabiuus taken Prisoner ; Meeting of Alexander and Napo- leon. N. NecroL der D. (1827), ii. 852 ; Rosenberg, Berl. Malersch., 43. SCHURAVLEFF, THYRSUS SERGE- VICH, born in Saratov in 1836. Genre painter, pupil of St. Petersburg Academy. Works : Unfaithful Peasant Woman ; Re- turn from the Ball ; Chimney Sweep ; Cook (1872) ; Blessing of the Bride (1874). SCHURIGr, KARL WILHELM, born in Leipsic, Dec. 17, 1818, died in Dresden, March 10, 1874. History painter, pupil in Leipsic and in Dresden of Bendemann. Visited Italy ; settled in Dresden, where he became professor of the Academy in 1857. Works : Resurrection of Christ, altarpiece, Eppendorf ; Bishop of Speyer protecting Persecuted Jews (1851), Dresden Gallery ; Emperor Albrecht and Swiss Ambassadors (1842), Leipsic Museum ; crayon drawings of the masterpieces of Dresden Gallery. Kunst-Chronik, ix. 388. SCHUSSELE, CHRISTIAN, born in Al- sace about 1824, died at Merchantville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1879. History painter, pupil of Yvon in Paris. Settled in the United States in 1847 ; for eleven years director of the schools connected with the Pennsyl- vania Academy. Works : How we won the Battle ; Leisberger preaching to the Indians; Men of Progress ; King Solomon and the Iron Worker. Am. Art Rev. (1880), 46. SCHUSTER, LUDWIG ALBRECHT, born at Berthelsdorf, Saxony, May 9, 1824. History painter, pupil of Dresden Academy under Julius Htlbnerin, 1842-48 ; then lived in Munich, and since 1852 in Dresden. Works : Bravery of a Saxon Dragoon ; Storming of Great Redoubt at Battle of Borodino, Saxon Grenadiers repulsing French Cavalry after Battle of Jena (1862), Dresden Gallery. Mttller, 482. SCHUT, CORNELIS, the elder, born in Antwerp, baptized May 13, 1597, died there, April 29, 1655. Flemish school ; history painter, among the pupils of Rubens the one in whose works the master's style is most distinctly re- flected ; master of the guild about 1619 ; with G. de Crayer, Liemaeckere, Stadius, and Theodor Rombouts decorated in 1635 the triumphal arches in Ghent for the entry of Prince Ferdinand. Frequently painted centre fig- ures for flower-wreaths by his friend Dan- iel Seghers. Works : St. Nicholas appear- ing to Emperor Constantino (masterpiece), Church at Willebroek, Brabant ; Martyrdom of St. George, Madonna in Glory, Purifica- tion, Museum, Antwerp ; Pieta, St. James's, ib. ; Coronation of the Virgin, Circumcision, Assumption, St. Francis Xavier among the Indians, do. in Japan, St. Charles's, ib. ; God the Father and Holy Ghost, Dead Christ, Resurrection of the Dead, St. Willebroed's, ib. ; Martyrdom of St. James, Brussels Museum ; Allegorical Representation of Cir- cumcision, Ghent Museum ; Alexander cut- ting the Gordian Knot, Lille Museum ; Chil- dren Playing in a Landscape, Rotterdam Museum ; Annunciation, Aschaffenburg Gal- lery ; Beheading of St. James, Bamberg Gallery ; Feast of Venus, Brunswick Gal- lery ; do., and Neptune and Venus, Dresden Gallery ; Vulcan in a Grotto, Old Pinako- thek, Munich ; Hero and Leander, Madonna in a Garland, Vienna Museum ; Coronation of the Virgin, Copenhagen Gallery ; Tribute to Ca;sar, Stockholm Museum ; Adoration of the Shepherds, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg. His nephew, Cornelis Schut, the younger, went to Spain with his father, an engineer in the service of Philip IV. ; set- tled in Seville, where lie was one of the principal founders of the Academy in 1660 163