Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/197

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SCHWINGEN emy, then of Munich Academy (1828) under j Cornelius ; decorated in 1832-34 a room in the Konigsbau with encaustic pictures, in 1834 -35 painted sixty compositions in water-colours for Castle Hohen- schwangau, visit- ed Rome in 1835, lived in Carls- ruhe in 1840-44, in Frankfort in 1844-47, and became professor at the Munich Academy in 1847 ; painted the fres- cos in the Wartburg in 1854-55, and those in the Vienna Opera House in 1864-67. One of the most eminent painters of mod- ern times, and the most gifted representa- tive of German romanticism. Member of Berlin, Vienna, Paris, and other Academies. Bavarian, Prussian, Saxon, and Greek Or- ders ; knighted in Austria in 1855. Works in oil : The Arts in the Service of the Ma- donna ; Triptych, Frauenkirche, Munich ; Riibezahl, Morning Hour, "Wedding Jour- ney, Crusader's Return, Knight and Hermit, Danube and Tributaries, Prisoner's Dream, Wiland the Smith, Hero and Leander, Erl- King, and twenty-five others, Schack Gal- lery, ib. ; Cycle of Pictures of Travel (19) ; Rhine and Tributaries, Raczynski Gallery, Berlin ; The Rose (1847), National Gallery, ib. ; The Elbe ; Knight Kurt's Wooing (1839), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Knight Falken- stein's Ride, Leipsic Museum ; Artist's Pil- grimage ; Rudolf von Hapsburg's Ride to Speyer, Kiel Gallery; Dance of Elves (1845), Minstrels' Contest at the Wartburg (1846), Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; A Symphony (1852), New Pinakothek, Munich ; St. Eliz- abeth's Glove (1856), Weimar Museum ; Cin- derella (3). Water-colours : Sketches for Cycle at Hohenschwangau (60) ; Legend of the Seven Ravens (14, 1857), Weimar Muse- um ; Legend of Melusine (11), Vienna Mu- seum ; Story of Cinderella (6, 1851-54); A Queer Saint ; St. Wolfgang and the Devil, Emperor Max on the Martin Wall, Vienna Academy. In fresco : Subjects from Tieck's Works (1833-34, partly encaustic), Scenes in Life of Rudolf von Hapsburg, Royal Palace, Munich ; Myth of Cupid and Psyche (1837), Castle RUdigsdorf, near Leipsic; Mythological Cycle (1839), Kunsthnlle, Carlsruhe ; Allegorical Figures (1839), As- sembly Room of the Estates, ib.; Life of St. Elizabeth (6), Cycle (6) from History of Thu- ringia(1854-56),Vartburg,Eisenach(sketch- es to these in Weimar Museum) ; Paintings in church at Reichenhall (1863); Two Cycles from German Operas (1866), Opera House, Vienna. Brockhaus, xiv. 614 ; Forster, v. 132 ; Ftthrich, M. v. Sch. (Leipsic, 1871) ; Holland, do. (Stuttgart, 1873); Mtiller, do. (Eisenach, 1873) ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1873), i. 83 ; ii. 451 ; (1874), ii. 447 ; Jordan (1885), ii. 215 ; Kunst-Chronik, vi. 78 ; Graph. K., i. 9, 49, 77 ; Nord und S(id, iii. 353 ; xiv. 23 ; xv. 357 ; Pecht, i. 195 ; Reber, ii. 83 ; Re- gnet, ii. 215 ; Schack, Meine Gemaldesamm- lung (1884), 42 ; Springer, Gesch., 144 ; Wurzbach, xxxiii. 127 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iv. 90 ; v. 129 ; vi. 253 ; vii. 29, 75, 97, 103 ; viii. 257 ; xi. 11. SCHWINGEN, PETER, born at Muffen- dorf in 1815. Genre painter, pupil of Dlis- seldorf Academy in 1832-45. Paints scenes of common life with much truth and a touch of satire. Works : St. Martin's Day among the Children of DUsseldorf (1837) ; Feast after drawing the Prize (1845) ; Shooting at Birds for a Pig (1844) ; Rich Uncle's Visit (1845) ; Subhastation (1846) ; Expectation, Duty on Bread (1847) ; The Distress is over (1848); Dentist (1849); Warrior's Return (1851) ; New Wine (1852). Wolfg. Mttller, Diisseldf. K, 301 ; Wiegmann, 333. SCHWOISER, EDUARD, born at Brfl- sau, Moravia, in 1827. Genre and history painter, self-taught. In 1857 changed from genre to history, and later took up monu- mental painting. Works: Mother Conva- lescent (1856); Albrecht von Hapsburg blessing his Son before Departure for Pales- 157