Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/206

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SEEKATZ and Vienna and went in 1789 to Home ; was called to Schwerin as court painter in 1794. Works : Portrait of a Musician (1784), do. of Joseph Haydn (1785), Grotto of Egeria near Home by Moonlight (1789), Antique Eoman Vault (1789), The Colos- seum (1789), Schwerin Gallery. Sohlie, 579 SEEKATZ, JOHANN KONRAD, born at Griinstadt, Palatinate, in 1719, died at Darmstadt in 17G8. German school ; genre painter, pupil of an elder brother and of Brinkmann. Became court painter in Darm- stadt in 1753. Works : Tinker's Family, Suermondt Museum, Aix-la-Chapelle ; The Rat-Catcher, Basle Museum ; Landscape with Peasants at Meal, Christiania Gallery ; Flight into Egypt, Four Scenes in Life of Christ, Calling of St. Peter, Allegory in Glorification of Landgrave Ludwig VIII. of Hesse, Peasant Boys as the Three Magi, Beggar Children at a Well, Musicians rest- ing before Tavern, Children in Chicken Yard, Bachanal, Dead Fowl and Imple- ments of the Chase, Market Scene, Land- grave Ludwig VHL Hunting, Artist's Por- trait, Darmstadt Museum ; Peter's Denial (1765), Fortune-Teller, Weimar Museum ; others in Amalienstift, Dessau ; Stadel Gal- lery, Frankfort (3), Leipsic Museum (2), etc. ; Boy teasing Dog ; Maiden with Lighted Taper ; Boy with Chopping-Board ; Flight into Egypt by Torch-Light. Nagler, xvi. 200. SEEL, ADOLF, born at Wiesbaden, Mar. 1, 1829. Architecture painter, pupil of Diis- seldorf Academy under Karl Sohn in 1844- 50. Studied a year in Paris ; visited Italy in 1864-65, Spain, Portugal, and Northern Afri- ca in 1870-71 ; and travelled in the Orient in 1873-74. Works: Interior of Byzantine Church (1862) ; St. Mark's in Venice ; Font in St. Mark's ; Cathedral of Halberstadt in Winter ; Lions' Court of Alhambra; Arab Court in Cairo (1876), National Gallery, Berlin ; Interi- or of St. Mark's (1869), Egyptian Harem (1878), Diisseldorf Gallery ; The Monks at Convent Gate, Provinzial Muse- um, Hanover ; Church Interior, Wiesbaden Gallery. Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. 858. SEELE, JOHANN BAPTIST, born at Wolfach, Flirstenberg, in 1772, died at Stuttgart in 1814. Military, genre, and por- trait painter, pupil of the Karlsschule at Stuttgart ; represented his subjects with spirit and great truthfulness. Court paint- er and director of Stuttgart Gallery in 1804. Resumed study in Munich and in Vienna in 1808. Works : French Hussars Resting, French Infantry at Camp Fire (1796), Aus- trian Soldiers joking with Peasant Girls (1800), Austrian Cavalry Resting (1801), French Grenadiers foraging surprised by Austrian Hussars (1808), Cavalry Skirmish (1810), Battle Scene, ten other similar sub- jects, Portrait of the Artist (3), do. of his Father, do. of his Mother, Fiirstenberg Gal- lery, Donaueschingen ; Series representing the Deeds of Wurtemberg Troops in 1806 and 1809, Royal Palace, Stuttgart ; Portraits of Archduke Charles (1800), King Frederick of Wiirternberg, Grand Duke of Baden, etc. Nagler, xvi. 202. SEELOS, GOTTFRIED, born at Bozen, Tyrol, in 1832. Landscape painter, pupil of Vienna Academy and of Selleny. Trav- elled in Tyrol and Italy. Works : Mountain Lake, and many other Views in Tyrol (1852-66) ; Zenoburg near Meran (1867) ; Kolman in the Tyrol (1869), Vienna Acad- j emy ; Still Water ; Chestnut Trees ; Pine Grove ; Sigismundskron at Bozen ; Riviera near Mentone ; Palms near Monaco ; Sum- mer Afternoon, Vienna Museum ; Vogel- 166