Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/218

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SHEEP of the Koyal Academy, receiving at the same time the honour of knighthood. He was also the author of several literary produc- tions, among them "Alasco," a tragedy (1823), and "Old Court," a novel (1829). Works : Infant Bacchus, Thomas Morton (dramatist), Thomas Lewis (comedian), National Gallery ; "William IV., Queen Ade- laide, Windsor Castle ; Queen Victoria, Roy- a woman is shearing. Painted in 1860 ; exhibited in Brussels, 1860 ; Salon, 1861 ; Bordeaux, 18G5 ; Lille, 1866 ; Exposition universelle, Paris, 1867. First sketch in Collection of Mile. Sensier. Gazette desB. Arts (1860), viii. 96; (1861), xi. 63; Sen- sier, vie, 216. SHEEP SHEAK1NG (Tonte des mou- tons), Jean Franyois Millet, William Schaus, New York. A farm-yard, with a house, farm buildings, and trees in background, and a man and woman shearing sheep ; in fore- ground, many sheep, some shorn and some unshorn (the latter sus- piciously smelling the former), and a man leading out a sheep to be sheared. Painted in 1861. From Collection of M. Fanien. Sensier, vie, 206. SHEPHERDS, ADORATION OF, Correggio. See Notte, La. By Domenico Ghirlancfajo, Flor- ence Academy ; wood, H. 4 ft. 6 in. X 4 ft. 8 in. ; dated 1485. The Child lies on the ground in front of a sarcophagus which serves as a feeding-trough for a cow and a mule ; at left, the Virgin kneeling, and Joseph gazing at the proces- sion of the Magi winding round a hill and passing through a triumph- al arch ; at right, three shepherds, one bearing a lamb. Vasari errs in saying that one of the figures is a portrait of Ghirlandajo. Paint- ed for the Sassetti Chapel in S. Trinita, Florence. Engraved by al Academy, London ; Portrait of Picton, Perfetti. Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 257 ; C. & C., National Portrait Gallery. Art Journal Italy, ii. 476 ; Gall. Accad. di Firenze, PL Adoration of Shepherds, Anton Raphael Mengs, Madrid Museum. (1849), 12 ; Redgrave ; Cunningham ; F. de Conches, 407 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole anglaise ; Sandby, ii. 136. SHEEP SHEARER (La tondeuse de moutous), Jean Frangois Millet, Quincy A. Shaw, Boston. Figures three-quarters length, life-size. A peasant man, seated on an overturned basket, holds a sheep which 48. um By Anton Raphael Mengs, Madrid Muse- wood, H. 8 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 3 in. The Virgin, with the Child in her lap, seated in the stable, with an ass and an ox in back- ground ; at left, St. Joseph sitting, and be- hind him the painter himself as a spectator ; at right, the shepherds in adoration, one of 174