Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/228

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SILENCE cenzo in the Church of S. Domenico at Cortona, and in 1517 the Crucifixion, in the Church of the Fraternity of the Holy Cross at La Tratta. Two years later he was com- missioned to paint a picture for the high altar of the confraternity of S. Girolamo Arezzo, now in the Church of the Nuns of S. Spirito, which, when finished, was brought there from Cortona (says Vasari) on men's shoulders. Signorelli visited Arezzo in 1520, to place the picture ; and Vasari, then eight years old, saw him and spoke with him, as he relates. After his return to Cortona, Triumph of Silenus, Rubens, National Gallery, London. where he was repeatedly elected to the magistracy, Signorelli painted a Virgin and Saints for the Collegiata at Fojano (1523), and in the next year commenced his last work, never finished, in the so-called Palaz- zone a building erected by the Cardinal of Cortona about a half mile from the city. The fresco which represents the Baptism of Christ is still extant, though much over- painted. Works : Flagellation, Brera, Mil- an ; Madonna and Two Prophets, Holy Fam- ily, Uffizi, Florence ; Virgin, Palazzo Pitti, ib.; Holy Family, Dresden Gallery; do., ! Palazzo Corsini, Florence ; Circumcision, ' National Gallery, London ; Dead Christ be- wailed by the Marys and Apostles, choir of the Cathedral, Cortona ; Communion of the Apostles (1512), ib.; Altarpiece, Citta di Castello ; High Altar, Compagnia di S. Nic- colo, Cortona ; Conception of the Virgin, Church of the Gesu, ib. ; Virgin and Saints, Church of S. Cecilia, Citta di Castello ; do., Academy, Florence ; A Predella, ib. ; Male Portrait, Torrigiani Gallery, Florence ; Ad- oration of the Magi, Predella, Virgin Bead- ing, Louvre, Paris ; Pieta, Keir, Scotland ; Nativity, Leuchtenberg Gallery, St. Peters- burg. R. Vischer, Luca Signorelli (Leip- sic, 1879) ; C. & C., Italy, iii. 1 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 683 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1875), xi. 105. SILENCE DU CAR- RACHE. See Jesus, Sleep of. SILENCE DE LA SAINTE VIERGE. See Madonna with Diadem. SILENUS AND SA- TYRS, Rubens, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; wood, H. 2 ft. 11 in. x 3 ft. 6 in. Silenus, drunk, with a jug in his hand, is supported on one side by a female satyr, and on the other by a negress ; in front, two fe- male satyrs lying on the ground, one of whom is 1 suckling two young satyrs. Formerly in Houghton Collection. Engraved by Sout- man ; Earlom ; Panneels. Smith, ii. 158 ; ix. 303. By Rubens, Munich Gallery ; wood, 6 ft. 6 in. square. Twelve figures, besides two goats and a tiger. Silenus, supported on left by a negro and on right by a satyr, near whom is an old woman carrying a jug ; a faun, playing a pipe, precedes, and a young bacchante, an old woman, and two fauns follow him ; in foreground, right, a female satyr, seated, suckles her twins. Engraved by Bolswert ; Panneels ; Van Orley. Sim- ilar subject, Berlin Museum and Cassel Gal- lery. Smith, ii. 63 ; ix. 264. 184