Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/233

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SIMPSON SIMPSON, JOHN, born in London in 1782, died there in 1847. Portrait painter, pupil of Royal Academy, where he exhibited in 1807. Was assistant, for many years, to Sir Thomas Lawrence. In 1884 he went to Lisbon, where he was appointed painter to the Queen of Portugal. He painted por- traits of William IV. and of other distin- guished persons. His son Philip was a por- trait and subject painter. Redgrave. SIMUS, second-rate painter, date and place unknown. Among his works were a Youth Reposing, a Fuller's Shop, and a Nemesis. Pliny, xxxv. 40 [143] ; Sillig, 421. SINCERITY, Carlo Dolci, Vienna Muse- um ; canvas, H. 3 f i 2 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. Three-fourths length, crowned with a lily, emblem of purity, and bearing in right hand a golden heart, from which rays of light proceed. Gal. de Vienne, i. PI. 59. SENDING, OTTO, born at Kongsberg, Norway, in 1842. Landscape and marine painter, pupil in Christiania of Eckersberg, then in Carlsruhe of Gude and of Riefstahl, and in 1872-76 at Munich of Piloty ; re- turned to Norway, visited Italy in 1880, and settled in Munich ; now at Bodii, Norway. Honorary member of Munich Academy. Medals : Philadelphia, 1876 ; Munich, 1883 ; Berlin, 1886. Works : Autumnal Storm on Norwegian Coast ; Funeral in the Lofoden ; Bathing Place in Capri ; Spring in the Lo- foden (1882), Copenhagen Gallery ; Winter Evening, Fishermen's Harbour, Summer Evening in the Lofoden (1882) ; Tarantella of Italian Fishermen (1883), National Muse- um, Buda-Pesth ; From Svolvaer in the Lofo- den (1883), Christiania Gallery ; Burial in the Lofoden, Sunrise in Lapland, Scene from Yngliuga Saga (1884). Meyer, Conv. Lex., xxi. 822 ; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 306 ; xviiL 109, 497 ; xix. 645, 661 ; xx. 352 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xix. 263. SINGLETON, HENRY, born in London, Oct. 19, 1766, died there, Sept. 15, 1839. Pupil of his uncle, William Singleton, min- iature painter and student at Royal Acad- emy. Painted portraits and history, and largely employed as a book illustrator. His portrait group of the Royal Academicians (1793) is in the Academy, and his Ariel on a Bat's Back, and Manto and Tiresias, in the National Gallery. Redgrave. SINIBALDO DA PERUGIA; Roman school (1507-1528). Real name Sinibaldo Ibi. One of the feeblest of Perugino's fol- lowers. Painted Madonna with Saints, dated 1507, in Cathedral of Gubbio ; Madonna en- throned and Saints, dated 1524, in S. Fran- cesco Romana, Rome ; and Annunciation, dated 1528, in Perugia Gallery, where other pictures are attributed to him. C. & C., Italy, iii. 344 ; Ch. Blanc, I^cole oinbrienne ; Lanzi, i. 349. SINKEL, HENRICUS JOHANNES, born at Almelo, Netherlands, in 1835. History and portrait painter, pupil of Dflsseldorf Academy under Karl Milller, in whose spirit he paints religious pictures in the style of the Nazarites, with deep feeling and careful execution. He has travelled in Germany, the Netherlands, and in 1867 visited Italy. Medal in Dilsseldorf. Among his portraits those of the Count and Countess of Spee (1880), and of the Baroness von Ketteler (1886) are especially truthful. Muller, 492. SIRANI, ELISABETTA, born in Bologna, Jan. 8, 1638, died there Aug. 28, 1665. Bo- lognese school ; daughter and pupil of An- drea Sirani, but became an imitator of Gui- de's best style. When only seventeen years old she had acquired such a reputation that she received orders from many Italian princes and from foreign sovereigns. Her brilliant career was cut short, it was sus- pected by poison, in her twenty -sixth year. She left more than a hundred and fifty works, many of them large, and all carefully executed. Most of them are in Bologna, in the Gallery and in churches. Among the best are : Death of Abel, Tu- rin Gallery ; St. Anthony of Padua, Bo- logna Gallery ; Charity, Palazzo Sciarra, Rome. Malvasia gives a full list of them. Malvasia, ii. 385 ; Lanzi, iii. 99 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole bolonaise ; Burckhardt, 790, 796. 189