Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/240

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SNAPHAAN 538 ; Art Journal (1872), 300 ; Walpole, An- ecdotes. SNAPHAAN (Schnaphan), ABRAHAM, born in Leyden, Nov. 2, 1651, died Sept. 1, 1691. Dutch school; portrait and genre painter in the manner of the elder Frans van Mieris. His best pictures are often con- founded with those of Willem van Mieris. He was court painter to the prince of An- halt-Dessau. "Work : Lady at Toilet receiv- ing Letter, Berlin Museum. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 544. SNAYERS, PEETER, born in Antwerp, baptized Nov. 24, 1592, died in Brussels in 1667. Flemish school ; painter of battles, camp scenes, por- traits, and land- Ifc scapes, pupil of Hendrik van Ba- len and of Sebas- tian Vrancx ; en- tered the guild in 1613 ; court painter at Brussels in 1624 to Archduke Albert and to Cardinal Infant Ferdinand. "Works : Battle of the Forty, Hampton Court ; 'Siege of Courtrai (1650), Battles of Prague, of Wimpf- fen, and of Hoechst, Brussels Museum ; Cavalry Charge, Combat of Horsemen, Ghent Museum ; Forest Path with Wanderers, De- fence of a Village, Berlin Museum ; Battle Field of Pa via, Male Portrait, Cassel Gallery ; Travelling Coach attacked by Horsemen (?), Darmstadt Museum ; Traveller in Moun- tainous Country (1669), Robbers attacked by Armed Men, three others, Dresden Mu- seum ; Pantry with Game, Fruit, etc., Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Battle on "White Moun- tain near Prague, Battle between Spaniards and Hollanders, Schleissheim Gallery ; Rais- ing of Siege of Louvain (1639), Defeat at Grancourt (1641), Battle of Thionville (1642), Battle of Ltitzen (1642), Siege of Einbeck (1644), Relief of St. Omer (1645), Taking of Neuburg (1645), Encounter at Presnitz (1648), Relief of Freiburg (1648), Crossing of the Somme (1662), Attack of Grancourt, Engagement near Munich in 1648, three others, Museum, Vienna ; Skirmish by For- est Border (1657), Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; Cavalry Skirmish, Czernin Gallery, ib. ; Capt- ure of Ypres, Lille and Dunkirk, Nocturnal Attack on Lille, Siege of Gravelines, and thirteen others, Madrid Museum. Kugler (Crowe), ii. 339 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole flamande ; Kramm, v. 1534 ; Michiels, vii. 272 ; Rooses (Reber), 409 ; Van den Branden, 666. SNELLTNCK (SneUinx), JAN, the elder, born in Mech- lin in 1549, died in Antwerp, Oct. 1, 1638. Flemishschool; history painter; settled at Ant- w e r p before 1574. Velvet Brueghel and his son, and most of the painters of the epoch, were his friends. Archduke Albert, to whom he was court painter, and the churches of Flanders employed his brush extensively. Van Dyck painted his portrait. Designed carpet pat- terns for factory at Oudenarde. His most interesting work is : Crucifixion (1597), Mu- seum, Antwerp. Other works : Madonna with singing Angels and St. Cecilia, St. James's, ib. ; Altarpiece with Resurrection (1601), St. Romuald's, Mechlin ; Descending of the Holy Ghost (1606), St. Catharine's, ib.; Creation of Adam (1608), Church of Our Lady, Oudenarde ; Transfiguration of Christ (1616), Annunciation, St. Walpurgis, 5NELLINCK- ib. Five of his sons were painters. Ch. Blanc, ficole flamande ; Cat. du Mus. d'An- vers(1874), 342 ; Kramm, v. 1535 ; Michiels, vi. 221 ; Rooses (Reber), 109 ; Siret (1883), ii. 281 ; Van den Brauden, 431.