Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/242

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SODEKMARK ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 5 in. Socrates, seated in a vaulted apartment, surrounded by his grief- stricken disciples, is about to take the cup of hemlock from the executioner, who averts his face as he presents it. Painted for M. Trudaine ; belonged afterwards to M. Mi- cault de Courbeton. Engraved (1802) by Jean Massard, pere. Be veil, i. 59. SODERMAEK, JOHAN PEE, born at Stockholm, June 3, 1822. Portrait painter, son of the Swedish lieutenant-colonel and portrait painter Olaf Johan Sodermark (1799-1848), pupil of Stockholm Academy, while at the same time in the army ; went with his father to Italy in 1845, returned via France in 1848, then studied at the Dus- seldorf Academy in 1852-54, and in Paris under Couture in 1855-56. Has painted many distinguished persons of his native country ; member of Stockholm Academy. Socrates, Death of, Louis David, Mme. la Marquise de VeVac. SODOMA, IL, Cavaliere, born at Vercelli, in Savoy, in 1477 (?), died in Siena, Feb. 15, 1549. Lombard and Sienese schools. Va- sari says he had many nicknames, among others Mattaccio (crazy fellow), because he was noted as a lover of fun and of practical jests. Real name Giovanni Antonio Bazzi, wrongly called Razzi by Lanzi and others. Pupil of Martino Spanzotti, a mediocre paint- er of Casale ; studied next in Milan, perhaps under Leonardo, 1498-1501, in which latter year he fixed his residence at Siena, where he founded a new school which had a brill- iant though short existence. The extant works of Bazzi's first Sien- ese period, 1501- 1507, distin- guished by purity of style and very careful execution, are the Birth of Christ, and the Deposition from the Cross, in the Siena Academy ; the frescos of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, a Pietii, Majesty of St. Anna, a Bishop and Dominican Monks, in the Cloister of St. Anna in Greta, near Pi- enza ; and those of the History of St. Bene- dict, at Monte Olivetto, near Buonconvento. In 1507 or 1508 Bazzi ac- companied Agostino Chigi to Rome, where he was em- ployed by Julius EC. with Perugino on the decoration of the ceiling of the Camera della Segnatura in the Vat- ican, until both were dis- placed by Raphael. Noth- ing remains of his work but the flying genii bearing the papal shield in the central compartment of the ceiling. Disappointed in his hopes of further employment, Bazzi returned to Siena in 1510, leaving as a record of his two or three years' residence in Rome two pictures in the Palazzo Borghese, a Leda and the Swan, of a Leonardesque character, and a Pieta. Examples of the next four years' work (1510-1514) at Siena are : Flagellation, Christ bound to the Column, Academy, one of his finest crea- tions for expression, bodily form, individual character, and colouring ; and Madonna with Saints, Turin Gallery, which shows that the master had then attained the full 198