Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/245

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SOL A UK) donna of the Green Cushion, Louvre ; Por- traits (2), National Gallery, London ; Chrint crowned with Thorns, at LUtschena, near Leipsic ; Holy Family, dated 1515, Casa Poldi, Milan ; and Madonna with St. John, Leuchtenberg Gallery, St. Petersburg. So- lario's portraits are of exceptional excel- lence. C. & C. attribute to him the Colum- bine, Hermitage, St. Petersburg, generally ascribed to B. Luini. C. & C., N. Italy, ii. 61; Moschini (Florence, 1832); Burckhardt, 702; Calvi, Notizie, ii. 277; Ch. Blanc, ficole milanaise ; LUbke, Gesch. ital. Mai., ii. 448 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1883), xxviii. 43. SOLAEIO, ANTONIO. See Ziwjaro. SOLIERO. See Morelli. SOLIMENA (Solimene), FRANCESCO, Cavaliere, born at Nocera de' Pa- gani,Oct.4,1657, died in Naples, April 5, 1747. Ne- apolitan school ; called sometimes 1'Abate C i c c i o and sometimes il Calabrese rin- gentilito (C a 1 a- brese ennobled). Pupil of his father, Angelo Solimene, a re- spectable painter ; afterwards of Francesco di Maria and of Giacomo del Po. Later formed a style of his own by imitating Pietro da Cortona, Lanfranco, Calabrese, Guido, and Carlo Maratti. He enjoyed a great reputa- tion in his time, and was employed by sev- eral popes and by most of the princes of Europe ; but he must be ranked with those who hastened the deterioration of Italian art. Among his works are: The Brazen Serpent, Prometheus Chained, St. John the Baptist, Artist's Portrait, Madrid Museum ; Religion, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; frescos in sacristies of S. Paolo and S. Domenico Maggiore, Naples ; Heliodorus, Gesil Nuovo, ib.; Diana and Callisto, Uffizi, Florence. Lanzi, ii. 60 ; Burckhardt, 768, 775 ; Seguier, 196 ; Ch. Blanc, cole napolitaine. SOLIS, FRANCISCO DE, born in Ma- drid in 1629, died there, Sept. 25, 1684. Spanish school ; his father, who had stud- ied under Alonso do Herrera, gave him les- sons in painting, but educated him for the church. Francisco preferred to paint, and with Velasquez for a friend and counsellor, bade fair to become pre-eminent in his pro- fession ; but his indolence and wealth made him a picture collector rather than a paint- er. Executed works for the conventual churches of Madrid, Alcalii, and Valladolid, of which the best was a Virgin of the Con- ception, belonging to the Capuchins of the Prado. Stirling, iii. 1022. SOLOMON, ABRAHAM, born in Lon- don in 1824, died at Biarritz, France, Dec. 19, 1862. Genre painter, pupil of the Royal Academy, where he exhibited his first pict- ure, The Courtship of Ditchen (subject from Crabbe), in 1843. His best pictures are well known through engravings. Works : Third Class Parting, First Clnss Return (1854); Waiting for the Verdict (1857) ; Not Guilty (1859) ; Malado Imaginaire, Consolation (1861) ; The Lost Found (1862). SOLOMON, HISTORY OF, Raphael. See RaphaeTs Bible. SOLOMON, JUDGMENT OF, Nicolas Poussin, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 4 in. x4 ft. 11 in. Solomon, seated upon an elevated throne, in centre, extending his hands, pronounces sentence ; in foreground, the mothers kneeling, one making a gesture of terror at seeing her child, which a soldier armed with a sword holds by one foot ; the other, holding the dead child, cries out against the execution of the judgment ; other women and soldiers standing. Paint- ed in 1649 ; at Versailles in 1709-10. Sketch in Louvre. Engraved by Chasteau ; E. Bau- det ; Dughet ; Drevet ; A. Testa ; Anne ; Andre Morel ; C. Normand. Landon, Mu- see, vi. PI. 65 ; Filhol, viii. PI. 541. By Itaphael, Camera della Segnatura, Vat- ican ; fresco on ceiling. Solomon enthroned, at right ; a man at left about to cut in two tho child, whom he holds by one leg,