Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/250

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SOUCIION brandt and to Gerard Dou, but probably painted about 1660 by Gerrit Lundens, proves that the original was cut off as shown in the accompanying outline sketch. Judg- ing from the proportions of this copy, the original, which was placed in the Treppen- huis Museum in 1808, was formerly 12 ft. 8 in. high x 16 ft. 6 in. long. It was restored in 1758 by Van Dijk, and again superficially in 1852 by N. Hopman. Engraved by L. A. Claessens (1797) ; J. W. Kaiser (1867). Etched by linger ; Flameng ; Massaloff ; Charles Waltner (1886). Lithographed by A. Mouilleron. Cat. Amsterdam Gal. ; Vos- maer, 147, 462 ; Smith, vii. 59 ; Gaz. des B. Arts (1860), vi. 368; (1885), xxxii. 406; Mollett, Rembrandt, 42 ; Fromentin, 325. SOUCHON, FRANCOIS, born at Allais (Gard), Nov. 19, 1787, died at Lille, April 5, 1857. History painter, pupil of David ; director of school of painting at Lille in 1836-1857. Works : Martyrdom of St. Se- bastian (1824), Cathedral of Bordeaux ; Sick Man (1827), Lille Museum ; Raising of Lazarus (1827), Church of St. Nicolas-des- Champs, Paris. Bellier, ii. 52 ; Devemy, Notices biographiques sur Fr. Souchon (Douai, 1875). SOUCHON, WILHELM FERDINAND, born at Halberstadt in 1825. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Berlin Academy under Remy, then in Munich (1848) of Kaulbach and Anschutz, and fin- ished his studies in Rome and Naples, 1851-54. He settled at Leipsic in 1855. Works : Thirty Biblical Scenes, Greek Church, Leipsic ; Christ Blessing, Church at Thronitz, Saxony ; Last Supper, Church at Grunau, ib. ; Pifferari and Beggar, Em- peror of Germany. Miiller, 498. SOURCE, LA, Dominique Ingres, Lou- vre, Paris ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 5 in. x 2 ft. 3 in. ; signed, dated 1856. A young girl, nude, with blonde hair, standing in a rocky niche, her right arm raised above her head, with her fingers grasping the bottom of a vase, which, inclined upon her shoulder, is held by her left hand ; three little streams of water flow from its mouth into a pool in which her feet are reflected. London Exchange, 1862. Bequeathed by Comtesse Duchatel, 1878. Engraved by Calamatta ; L. Flameng. Ch. Blanc, Life, 192. SOUTMAN, PIETER, born in Haarlem about 1580, died there, Aug. 16, 1657. Dutch school ; history and portrait painter, supposed pupil of Rubens ; was for several years court painter to the King of Poland, became a citizen of Antwerp in 1620, and returned to Haarlem in 1628. Works : Two Archery-Pieces (1642, 1644), Haarlem Museum ; Laocoon and his Sons, Cassel Gallery. Bode, Studien, 110 ; Kramm, v. 1545 ; Van der Willigen, 266. SOWER (Le semeur), Jean Fra^ois Mil- let, William H. Vanderbilt Collection, New York. A sturdy peasant, bony and swart, with a bag of grain about his waist, is strid- ing along sowing grain on a hill-side ; on the other side of the slope a last ray of sun shows a pair of oxen and a man at the end of their furrow. The gesture of the sower, says Theophile Gautier, is " so beautiful that Triptolemus, guided by Ceres, on some Greek bas-relief, could not have more maj- esty." Painted in 1850 ; Salon, 1850. The first Sower (1849), Q. A. Shaw, Boston, was laid aside by Millet because the canvas was too short, and the present one painted for the Salon. Etched by Maris. Art Treas. of Amer., iii. 86. SOYER, PAUL, born in Paris ; contem- porary. Genre painter, pupil of L. Cogniet. Medals: 1870; 2d class, 1882. Works: Card Party (1883) ; Head of Old Peasant (1884) ; Foundry at Antoignc, My Gardener (1885) ; Interior of Forge (1886). SPADA, LIONELLO, born in Bologna in 1576, died in Parma, May 17, 1622. Bo- lognese school ; first colour-grinder, and then pupil of the Carracci ; after executing a few works in Bologna, went to Rome and became the pupil of Caravaggio, whom he followed in all his travels. After his master's death (1609), Spada returned to Bologna, where his vanity and arrogance won him the