Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/256

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SPINELLI Augsburg ; Death of St. Benedict, St. Em- meram's, llatisbon ; Assumption, St. Ste- phen's, Vienna. SPINELLI, PARRI, born in Arezzo in 1387, died there in 1452. Florentine school; son of Spinello Spinelli, and probably his pupil, but an imitator of Lorenzo Monaco. He was a third-rate artist, below the Gerini in talent, though Vasari, his townsman, saw fit to praise him. Some of his frescos, much overpainted, exist in S. Domeuico, in S. Maria della Misericordia, and in S. Fran- cesco, Arezzo. C. & C., Italy, ii. 25 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mon., ii. 198 ; iii. 144 ; ed. Mil., ii. 275 ; Siret, 880 ; Burckhardt, 493. SPINELLI, SPINELLO, born at Arezzo about 1333, died there, March 14, 1410. Florentine school. Son of Luca Spinelli, of a Ghibelline family that took refuge at Arezzo about 1308 ; commonly called Spi- nello Aretino or d' Arezzo. Pupil of Jacopo di Casentino, and at twenty a better painter than his master. He was of great merit, following the style developed by Jacopo and by Bernardo Daddi, but rose above them and represented the spirit of Giotto's school at the close of the 14th century better than any other artist of his time. He had, in- deed, many of the qualities of Giotto, though compared with him he is a bold decorator, careless of form and of detail. The Florence Academy has a Madonna with Saints and Angels, signed and dated 1391 ; and a church in Arezzo his Madonna della Rosa ; but he is seen at his best in his frescos, especially Life of St. Benedict (1385), Sacristy of S. Miniato, near Flor- ence ; History of SS. Ephesus and Potitus (1391), Campo Santo, Pisa ; Barbarossa and Pope Alexander HI., Palazzo Pubblico, Siena; and Lucifer and the Rebel Angels (fragment belonging to Sir A. H. Layard, England), in S. Francesco, Arezzo. C. & C., Italy, ii. 7 ; Vasari, ed. Le Mou., ii. 185 ; ed. Mil., i. 677 ; W. & W., i. 477 ; Burckhardt, 493, 495, 498, 504. SPITZER, EMANUEL, bom at Papa, Hungary, Oct. 30, 1845. Genre painter, mostly self-taught; worked in Paris in 1864-67, for "L'Art pour tous," settled in Munich in 1871, and is one of the contribu- tors to "Fliegeude Blatter." Works: Fisher Boy (1873) ; Girl at the Well, Girl playing among Flowers (1875); Little Darling, Sur- prise for Papa (1877) ; Sweet Gossip (1878); Permission for Dancing (1884) ; They are coming! (1885). Wurzbach, xxxvi. 186; Allgem. K. Chr., viii. 587. SPITZWEG, KARL, born in Munich, Feb. 5, 1808, died there, Sept. 13, 1885. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Hanson ; for several years illustrator for the comic paper "Fliegende Blatter." His pictures are marked by genuine humour, and he has been called the Jean Paul of painters. Order of St. Michael in 1865. Works : Sunday Hunter (1844) ; Widower (1845) ; Policeman catching Flies (1852) ; Bookworm (1853) ; Writer cutting Pen (1854) ; Schoolmaster serenading his Sweethenrt, Old Gentleman in Favourite Spot, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; School Children (1859), Itinerant Dramatic Com- pany resting ; Librarian, Biblical Interpreta- tion (1860) ; Portrait Painter (1862), Prague Art Union ; Women of Dachau at Forest Chapel, Letter-Carrier (1862) ; Mail Coach, Meeting of Old Friends (1863) ; Geologist, Astrologer (1864) ; Turkish Coffee-House (1862), Hermit playing the Violin, Group of Alpine Herdswomen, Hypochondriac exam- ining the Weather, Lovers Parting, Serenade from Barber of Seville (1865), Schack Gal- lery, Munich ; Ascent of Alp, Descent from do. (1870); In the Garret (1882), Two Her- mits, New Pinakothek, Munich. Allgem. K. Chr., is. 777, 1001 ; Graph. K, v. 44 ; Kunst f. Alle, i. 24 ; Mtiller, 500 ; Reguet, ii. 268 ; Schack, Meine Gemiildesammlung (1884), 194 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, iv. 115 ; xxi. 77. SPOSALIZIO. See Virgin, Marriage of. 212