Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/258

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SPRUYT SPRUYT, CHARLES, born at Brussels, July 2G, 1769, died there in 1827(?). History and genre painter, son of and first instruct- ed by Philip Spruyt (1727-1801), then pupil of Ghent Academy, where he won the first prize in 1790 ; went to Rome in 1815, and returned to Brussels in 1821. Member of Ghent Academy. Works : St. Theresa pray- ing to the Virgin ; Disciples at Einmaus (in America) ; Interior of Grotto in Franciscan Monastery ; Shop Interior (1824) ; Jan I. Duke of Brabant in the Prison of his Sister Maria Queen of France (182G), formerly in Haarlem Pavilion ; Francesco Francia dying while looking at one of Raphael's Pictures (1829) : Interior of Subten-anean Church in Rome ; One of the Sette Salle, ib. (1833) ; Refectory in St. Gertrude's Convent ; Land- scape in Sunset (1836). Immerzeel, iii. 107. SQUARCIONE, FRANCESCO, born in Padua in 1394, died there in 1474. Paduan school ; in 1422 he inherited enough from his father, Giovanni, a notary, to enable him to set up a tailor and embroiderer's shop. Embroidery being akin to the art of design- ing, he was attracted to the study of paint- ing. In time he opened the earliest Italian art academy in his native city, where, as he says, 137 pupils were taught ; and thus ac- quired the name of " father of painters." He travelled much and made a large collec- tion of casts from the antique, pictures, and other objects of art for the benefit of his pupils. Though the founder of a school, he was himself comparatively unskilled as a painter, and the work from his studio was chiefly done by his disciples. His name first appears in the lists of the Paduan guild in 1441. He contracted to decorate the chapel of S. Cristoforo at the Eremitani, and intrusted the execution to Pizzolo, Manle- gna, and others. He took part in decorating the Santo and the cloisters of S. Francesco, Padua, and painted an altarpiece and a Ma- donna for the Lazzara family, still extant. Besides Pizzolo and Mantegna, he numbered among his pupils Marco Zoppo, Dario of Treviso, and Ansuino. C. & C., N. Italy, i. 294 ; Burckhardt, 128, 403, 575 ; Siret, 882 ; Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 384 ; Liibke, Gesch. ital. Mai., i. 456. STAAFF, KARL THEODOR, born in the Province of Herjedalen, Sweden, June 28, 1816. Portrait painter, pupil of Stockholm Academy in 1831. Began with historical painting, then changed to portraits. Also illustrated some of Jegner's writings. Mem- ber of Stockholm Academy in 1856. Works : King Oscar I., Drottningholm Castle near Stockholm ; Charles XV. ; President Asker ; Gen. Akrell ; and others. Miiller, 501. STACHOWICZ, MICHAEL, bom at Cra- cow, Aug. 14, 1768, died there, March 26, 1835. History painter, pupil of Molitor (probably Franz Iguaz, who died at Cracow in 1794) and of Kasimir Molodzinski (died at Cracow, Jan. 28, 1795) ; painted at first biblical scenes for churches, but after 1794 episodes of national history, and scenes from popular life, in oil and fresco. He was the first among the Polish painters to pursue a national tendency in art. Professor at the St. Barbara Lyceum, Cracow, in 1817. Member of Cracow Academy of Sciences. Works : Fettering of St. Peter (1789) ; Kos- ciuszko on the Ring Square in Cracow in 1794, Episcopal Palace, Cracow ; Battle of Raclawice ; Martyrs of Sandomir, St. Cath- arine, Bishop Erasmus, St. Sophia, Descent from the Cross, Dominican Church, Cracow ; St. Helen, Franciscans, ib.; Divine Provi- dence, Entombment, St. Barbara's, ib.; Ma- donna of Loreto, Capuchins, ib.; Entry of Prince Poniatowski into Cracow in 1809 ; Taking of Cracow by Warsaw Troops un- der Poniatowski ; Vision of Sainted Poles in the Clouds, Episcopal Palace, Cracow. In fresco : Views of Cities and Representa- tions of Popular Customs in Poland (1816- 17), ib. ; The Sciences and Arts, Polish Schol- ars (33 medallions in 11 groups), Eleven Episodes in History of Cracow University (1820-21), Jagellonic Hall, University, ib. Many others in oil and fresco in churches, monasteries, and on the estates of Polish , uobles. Wurzbach, xxxvi. 314. 214