Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/281

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STItOZZI H Prete Genovese. Pupil of Pietro Sorri, and one of the most remarkable followers of Caravaggio ; be- came early a monk of Order of St. Francis. Left it to sup- port aged moth- er and sister, and refusing to re- turn on the death of the one and the marriage of the other, was sentenced to three years' im- prisonment ; but escaped to Venice and lived there as a secular priest the rest of his life, executing many works for churches and palaces. He was an excellent colourist, though not always correct in design, and enjoyed a good reputation in his day. Among his best works are : Copy of Cambia- so'sCaritas, Incredulity of St. Thomas, Palaz- zo Brignole, Genoa ; Virgin and St. Felix, Ca- puccini, Genoa ; Three Philosophers, Palaz- zo Adoruo, Genoa ; SS. Joseph and John, Palazzo Walli, ib. ; A Bishop, Palazzo Du- razzo, ib.; The Samaritan Woman, Palazzo Faragina, ib. ; Saint, Palazzo Pallaviciui, ib. ; A Monk, Susanna, Palazzo Spinola, ib. ; A Monk, Turin Gallery ; Sculpture, Ceiling in Royal Palace, Venice ; St. Jerome, Venice Academy ; Bathsheba, Dresden Gallery ; Christ and the Pharisees, Old Pinakothek, Munich. Lauzi, iii. 266 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole gonoise ; Burckhardt, 760, 768, 788, 800, 803 ; Lavice, 51, 84, 89, 90. STROZZI, FILIPPO, portrait, Titian, Vi- enna Museum ; canvas, H. 3 ft. G in. x 2 ft. 7 in. Much overpainted, but looks as if it had once been a fine picture by the master. Painted about 1540. C. & C., Titian, ii. 426. STRUDEL VON STRUDELSDORF, PETER, Baron, born at Cles, Tyrol, in 1648, died in Vienna in 1714. German school ; his- tory painter, son and pupil -of Jacob Strudel, and in Venice pupil of Carlo Lotti. Settled in 1680 in Vienna, where he was made court painter in 1689. Was also a sculptor. En- nobled in 1693 ; first director of the newly founded Vienna Academy in 1704. Works : Jupiter and Antiope, Susanna at the Bath, Dresden Gallery ; Hngar, Cassel Gallery ; Bacchanal, Ddsseldorf Gallery ; Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, Satyr bound by Zephyr and a Boy, Children Playing, Bath of Diana, Schleissheim Gallery ; Genii with Festoons (4), Pieta, Vienna Museum. Nagler, xvi. 496. STRUDWICK, JOHN MELHUISH, born in England ; contemporary. Genre painter ; exhibits chiefly at the Grosvenor Gallery. Works : Love's Music (1877) ; Peona, Pass- ing Days (1878); My Beloved, Isabella (1879) ; Marsyas and Apollo (1880) ; St. Cecilia (1882) ; The Ten Virgins, A Story- Book (1884) ; A Golden Thread, Thy Tune- ful Strings wake Memories (1885) ; Isabella, Circe and Scylla (1886). STRUYS, ALEXANDRE (THEODORUS HONORE), born at Berchem, Jan. 24. 1852. Genre and history painter, pupil of Ant- wei - p Academy. Visited London and Paris. Professor at Weimar Art School in 1878 ; resigned and removed to The Hague in 1882. White Falcon Order. Works : Two Sacrifices, Dordrecht Museum ; Birds of Prey ; Disillusion ; Alone at the Rendez- vous ; Seduced (1885) ; six historical pict- ures for the Luther Hall of the Wartburg (with Willem Linnig, Jr.). Mtlller, 510 ; Allgem. K. Chr. ix. 838. STRY, ABRAHAM VAN, born at Dor- drecht, Dec. 31, 1753, died there, March 7, 1826. Genre painter, brother of the follow- ing, pupil of Joris Ponse (1723-83) ; found- ed at Dordrecht in 1774 the society Pictura, which formed several excellent artists, and of which he was the first president. Mem- ber of Institute of the Netherlands, and in .r 1818 of Antwerp Academy. Works : Draw- ing Lesson, The Housewife, Kettle Scourer, 237