Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/320

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THOMAS el of the Florentines at Lyons. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Landon, xiv. PL 41. Subject treated also by Girolamo Muzi- ano, Louvre, Paris ; Simone Cantarini, Mu- nich Gallery ; Gerard Honthorst, Madrid Museum ; Bernardo Strozzi, Palazzo Bri- gnoli sale, Genoa ; Padovannino, Eremitani, Padua ; Salvator Rosa, Church della Morte, Viterbo ; Santi di Tito, Cathedral of Borgo San Sepolcro ; Cavaliere Calabrese, Dresden Gallery ; Anton van Dyck, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Rubens, Antwerp Museum ; Cinia da Conegliano, National Gallery, Lon- don ; Alphonse Masson (Salon, 1839) ; Louis Lamothe (1855). THOMAS AQUINAS, ST., TRIUMPH OF, Benozzo Gozzoli, Louvre ; wood, H. 7 ft. G in. x 3 ft. 4 in. Above, Christ in glory, surrounded by cherubim, with St. Paul at his right holding a book and a sword, Moses at his left with the tables of the law, and the Evangelists in front ; in the middle, St. Thomas seated between Aristotle and Plato, with Guillaurne de St. Amour, doctor of the University of Paris, below them, overcome by St. Thomas's eloquence ; in lower part, Pope Alexander IV., assisted by two cham- berlains, presiding over the assembly held in 125G, concerning the mendicant orders, which were attacked by St. Amour and de- fended by Thomas Aquinas. Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 50 ; Villot, Cat. Louvre. THOMAS OF VILLANUEVA, ST., Mu- rillo, Lord Ashburton, London ; canvas, H. G ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 9 in. The saint, represented as a boy six or seven years old, is taking off his garments to supply the wants of four ragged boys ; background, a street with buildings and figures. Painted about 1G78 for Convent of St. Augustine, Seville ; sold by Monks to the Prince of the Peace, who presented it to General Sebastiani ; pur- chased in 1814 by Mr. Baring, an ancestor of present owner. One of the finest Muril- los in England. Sketch, Lord Ashburton, The Grange, Hants. Copies : Cadiz Cathe- dral ; Due de Montpeusier ; Condesa de la Mejorada ; Don Rodrigo de Quirios, Seville. C. Bermudez, ii. 60 ; Buchanan, Memoirs, ii. 264 ; Ponz, Viage, ix. 136 ; Jameson, Monastic Orders, 202 ; Curtis, 269 ; Waa- gen, ii. 101. By Murillo, Earl of Northbrook, London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 5 in. The saint, wearing a mitre and accompanied by an at- tendant with a crozier, stands in an archway giving alms to a kneeling beggar, who is surrounded by other beggars ; above, the Virgin, seated on clouds, with Jesus in her arms and two children clinging to her lap ; on left, a church, seen through an opening. Painted about 1678 for Chapel of St. Thom- as in Convent of St. Augustine, Seville. Louis Philippe sale (1853), 710, to Thom- as Baring, uncle of Earl of Northbrook. Ford calls it " one of the finest sketches of Murillo in existence." Lithographed by A. Pin yon. Curtis, 270; Athenaeum (1853), 655 ; Gaz. des B. Arts, April, 1875 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole espagnole. By Murillo, Seville Museum ; canvas, H. 9 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 4 in. The Archbishop of Valencia, with mitre and pastoral staff, standing front under a Grecian portico, dropping a coin into the hand of a kneeling beggar ; in foreground, on left, an old wom- an seated, with a boy standing at her knee ; at right, two other beggars and a nun ; at left, an open book on a table ; background, architecture, with columns wreathed above with a curtain. Painted about 1676 for Capuchin Convent, Seville. Murillo called this his own picture, and it is one of his finest works. Curtis, 268 ; Jameson, Mo- nastic Orders. By Murillo, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., London ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 11 in. x 5 ft. The saint, wearing a skull-cap, is giving money to a half-naked beggar sitting on a stone ; he is attended by an ecclesiastic holding a mitre, and another holding a crook ; before him, a boy examining a coin ; at right, a group of beggars ; and at left, architecture. Second manner. Bought by Mr. Irvine from Capuchin Convent, Genoa, and sold to Mi-. Wells, of Redleaf, for 1,000 ; sold 368