Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/330

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TIMOTEO eighty talents, and placed them in the Tem- ple of Venus Genetrix. The Ajax depicted the hero in his madness, in a sitting posture, contemplating suicide (Philos., Vit. Apol., ii. 10 ; Ovid., Trist., ii. 525). In the other, which is highly praised by the ancient writ- ers, Medea was represented meditating the murder of her children, but hesitating be- tween the impulses of revenge for her wrongs and of pity for her offspring. Other works of Timomachus mentioned by Pliny (1. c.) are an Orestes (Anthol. Gr., iv. 183, 306), an Iphigenia in Tauris, a Lecythion, and the Gorgon (Medusa slain by Perseus). TIMOTEO DA UEBINO. See Vile, Ti- moteo. TINOSO, EL. See Elizabeth of Hun- gary, St. TINTI, GIAMBATTISTA, born in Parma about 15GO, died before 1G20. Lombard school ; pupil of Orazio Sarumacchini, but studied Pellegrino Tibaldi, and when he returned to Parma took as his models the works of Correggio and of Parmigianiuo. He was the last of the painters of the old school at Parma. Works : Magdalen, Parma Gallery ; Mystery of the Passion, Louvre. Lanzi, ii. 412 ; Ch. Blanc, cole lombarde ; Lavice, 256. TINTOEETTA, LA, born in 1560, died 1590. Venetian in school. Marietta Eo- busti, daughter and pupil of Jacopo Eo- busti, called Tinto- retto. Acquired a considerable reputa- tion as a portrait p a i n t e r . E i d o 1 fi, Marav., ii. 259 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole vt-niti- enne. TINTOEETTO, DOMENICO, born in Venice in 1562, died there in 1637. Vene- tian school ; son and pupil of Jacopo Eobusti, called Tintoretto. Followed in his father's footsteps, but was inferior to him in inven- tion and in colouring. More successful in portraits than in historical painting, but executed some large commissions in the Palazzo Ducale, Venice ; among them, Naval Battle at Salvore, Conquest of Constantino- ple by Crusaders (1204), and Surrender of Zara. Ch. Blanc, Ecole venitienne. TINTOEETTO, JACOPO, born in Venice, Sept. 29, 1518, died there, May 31,1594. Ve- netian school. Eeal name Jacopo Eo- busti ; son of a silk dyer - X Y^ - Y ..// / (tintore), whence called II Tintoretto. Pupil of Titian, who is said to have discharged him because he feared in him a future rival ; but this is not probable, as Titian was nearly sixty years old at the time. Adopting as his motto Titian's colouring and Michelangelo's draw- ing, Tintoretto won a reputation second to none in his time ; but whether he actu- ally attained the high standard of excellence which he had set for himself is a question on which critics are divided. All, however, unite in regarding him as one of the great- est of masters in composition, drawing, and colour, and Euskin places him above Titian and beside Michelangelo. Eecognizing the unequal merit of his works, the Venetians said that there were three Tintorettos one of bronze, one of silver, and one of gold ; and Annibale Carracci said that, if some- times equal to Titian, he was often inferior to Tintoretto. With a rapidity of execution which procured him the nickname of II Furi- oso, he covered walls and ceilings with vast compositions, some of which are so slight in treatment and wanting in finish that they are little more than decorations, though often grand in design and marvellous in ef- fects of light and shade. His Paradise, Pa- lazzo Ducale, is the largest picture on canvas in existence. One of his most famous pict- ures is the Miracle of St. Mark, in the Venice 278