Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/333

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TISCIIBEIN Triumph of Arminius, Chateau Pyrmont ; Heraclius (1776), Democritus (1784), Ar- chimedes (1786), Belisarius (1786), Olden- burg Gallery; Portrait of a Landgrave of Hesse, Schleissheim Gallery ; Hermit in a Grotto (2), Schwerin _J <~S Gallery ; Portrait of a 7" / / Lady (1777), do. ot/LSCOO Young Girl (1778), '7 % ' Weimar Museum. Kngler (Crowe), ii. 554 ; Illustr. Zeitg. (1883), ii. 419. TISCHBEIN, WILHELM, bora at Hay- na, Feb. 15, 1751, died at Eutin, June 2G, 1829. History, portrait, and landscape painter, nephew and pupil in Cassel of Jo- hann Heinrich Tischbein the elder ; went in 1766 to Hamburg, where he restored old pictures, copied after Berchem and Wouwerman with great truthfulness, and then devoted himself to portrait painting ; in 1771-73 studied in Holland after the old masters, returned to Cassel, went to Berlin in 1777, and to Rome in 1779. Two years later we find him in Ziirich, mak- ing drawings for Lavater, in 1782 at Milan, and in 1783 again in Rome, whence he went with Goethe to Naples in 1787, and was made director of the Academy there in 1789. After the invasion by the French in 1799 he returned to Cassel, then moved to Ham- burg, and in 1808 settled at Eutin, where he painted much for his patron, the Duke of Oldenburg. "Works : Arminius Deliverer of Germany ; Conradin of Suabia hearing his Sentence (1784), View near Frascati, Portrait of a "Warrior, Gotha Gallery ; Gdtz von Berlichingen ; Entrance of General Benningsen into Hamburg (1816), Hamburg Gallery ; Portrait of himself, do. of Young Man, Provinzial Museum, Hanover ; Ama- zons setting out for the Chase (1788), Bash- kirs on Horseback (1814), Italian Landscape, Idyls (43, 1819-20), Gallery, Oldenburg; Rape of Helen, Hector and Andromache, Hector's Farewell, Achilles and Penthesilea, Ajax and Cassandra, Ulysses and Nausicaii, Amazons setting out for Battle, Christ and the Children, Si Cecilia, Sicilian Landscape, Grand-Ducal Palace, ib. ; Hermit in Cave, Hermit Kneeling, Grand - Ducal Palace, Schwerin ; Portrait of a Painter, do. of a Boy, "Weimar Museum. F. von Alteu, Aus T.'s Leben (Leipsic, 1872); Andresen, ii 1 ; N. NecroL der D. (1829), 516. TISI, BENVENUTO. See Garofalo. TISSOT, JAMES, born at Nantes, Oct. 15, 1836. Genre painter, pupil of Flan- drin and Lamothe ; at first imitated the Dutch masters. His later works are good in colour and composition, and carefully executed. Has not exhibited in the Sa- lon since 1870. Studio in London. Medal in I860. Works : Meeting of Faust and Marguerite (18G1), Luxembourg Museum ; Young Woman in Church, Confessional (1866) ; Young Woman singing accompa- nied by Organ, Confidence (1867) ; Break- fast, Retreat in the Garden of the Tui- leries (1868) ; Young Women looking at Japanese Articles (1869) ; Girl in a Boat, Party of Four (1870) ; Interesting Story, Farewells (1872) ; Captain's Daughter, Last Evening, Too Early (1873) ; London Visit- ors, "Waiting, Ball on Shipboard (1874) ; Bunch of Lilacs, Hush! (1875); The Thames, Convalescent (1876) ; Faust and Marguerite, Mrs. H. E. Maynard, Boston ; In the Louvre, Morgan sale, New York (1886), $1,600. Meyer, Gesch., 665 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vi. 215. TITANEA AND BOTTOM, Sir Edwin Landsefr, private gallery, England. Scene from Shakespeare's " Midsummer Night's Dream." Titauia is fondling Bottom's ass's head, on which is the coronal of flowers with which she has crowned him mon- arch of her affections ; before him stands Mustard-seed ; on the right, Pease-blossom rides on a supernatural white rabbit, while Cobweb, Moth, and other fairies are in at- tendance. Royal Academy, 1851 ; sold to Mr. Quilter (1884), 7,000. TITIAN or TIZIANO, born at Pieve di Cadore in 1477, died in Venice, Aug. 27, 1576. Venetian school. Real name Tiziano 381