Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/338

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TOBIAS Seville ; Boy blowing Soap Bubbles, Her- mitage, St. Petersburg. Stirling, iii. 1302 ; Ch. Blanc, Jicole espagnole ; Viardot, 227 ; Curtis, 333 ; Madrazo, 577. TOBIAS AND THE ANGEL, Murillo, William C. Cartwright, Aynhoe, Northamp- tonsliire, England ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 7 in. The angel in a plum-coloured robe, Tobias in a yellowish cloak with a fish in his left hand, both bearing staves, walk- ing in a rocky landscape beside a river ; a dog looks up at the angel. Curtis, 124. Jl w Tobias and we Angel, Salvator Rosa, Louvre, Paris. By Antonio Pollajuolo, Turin Gallery; H. 5 ft. 11 in. x 3 ft. 10 in. The archangel clad in antique costume, and Tobias in cap, mantle, buskins, and hose ; a shaggy dog trots before the archangel ; in background, a city and castle, near a river, and two naked men preparing to bathe. Painted for Or' S. Michele, Florence. Vasari, ed. Mil., iii. 292 ; C. & C., Italy, ii. 393. By Salvator Rosa, Louvre, Paris ; wood, H. 11 in. x 8 in. The angel Raphael, with a wand in his hand, commands Tobias to seize the fish, which the latter, kneeling, is taking from the water. Engraved by Guttenberg. Musue franyais ; Landon, Musee, vii. PI. 7 ; Filhol, ii. PI. 111. By Andrea del Sarto or his school, Vienna Museum ; wood, arched, H. 5 ft. 8 in x 4 ft. 10 in. The angel Raphael leading Tobias by the hand ; on other side, St. Lawrence and a kneeling donor ; above, Christ with his cross, in clouds. C. & C., Italy, iii. 580 ; Galerie de Vienne, i. PL 11 ; Ch. Blanc, ficole florentine. By Titian, S. Marcellino, Venice ; canvas, figures life-size, seen to elbows. The angel and Tobias moving toward the foreground ; a spotted dog in front of them ; St. John Baptist kneeling at foot of a tree. Painted in 1539. Old copy in Dresden Gallery. Vasari, ed. Mil., vii. 430 ; C. & C., Titian, ii. 29. TOBLER, VIKTOR, born at Trogen, Switzerland, Jan. 13, 1846. History and genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy, and of Wilhelm Lindenschmit. Studio in Munich. "Works : Disputation of Zwingli at Zurich ; Checkmate ! (1877), Berne Mu- seum ; Market Scene (1879) ; Wedding in Amper Valley, Zurich Gallery ; Cradle Song (1885). Miiller, 523. TOCQUE (Tocquet), LOUIS, born in Par- is, Nov. 19, 1C96, died there, Feb. 10, 1772. French school ; portrait painter, son of an architecture painter, pupil of Nicolas Berlin and Nattier. Member of the Academy, 1734; councillor, 1744. Invited to St. Petersburg by the Empress, and remained there from 1757 to 1758 ; then visited Stockholm and Denmark, and returned to Paris in 1760. In 1769 he revisited Denmark, and was elected associate of the Copenhagen Acade- my. Was an excellent painter of stuffs, good draughtsman, and agreeable colourist. Works : Maria Leczinska, Louis of France (1739), Mme. de Graffigny, M. Dumarsais, Louvre ; Due de Richelieu, Rothan Gallery ; Empress Elizabeth and Royal Family, Co- 880