Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/340

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TOMMASI The Watzmann near Berchtesgaclen (1836) ; The Great Eiger in Switzerland (1839) ; View on the Danube (1841). Wurzbach xlvi. 34. TOMMASI, NICCOLA, of Florence, 14th century. Florentine school ; his name ap- pears, with that of Andrea Orcagna and others, in 1366 in the list of the council of S. Maria del Fiore, and in 1371 in the guild of painters, Florence. His picture of St. Anthony, dated 1371, in S. Antonio Abate, Naples, shows that his style was not unlike that of Orcagna. C. & C., Italy, i. 335, 460. TOMMASO DA MODENA, born in Tre- viso, lived latter half 14th century. Bolo- gnese school ; though a feeble second-rate painter, he was the first of any note in Mo- dena ; style, a mixture of the Gubbian and Bolognese. A St. Catherine in the Venice Academy, dated 1351, ascribed to him, is of the close of the 15th century (C. & C.). An altarpiece by him, in six parts, in the Modena Gallery, is much repainted. In 1357 Tommaso went to Prague, where he painted a Madonna with Saints, now in the Vienna Academy. He is supposed to have decorated the Castle of Carlstein for Charles TV., after 1357, and an Ecce Homo and a Madonna, still there, are attributed to him ; also an altarpiece in the Modena Gallery, and a wall painting in S. Niccolo, Treviso. C. & C., Italy, ii. 218 ; Burckhardt, 519. TOMMASO DI STEFANO. See Giot- tino. TOMPKINS, CLEMENTINA M. G, born in Washington, D. C. ; contemporary. Portrait and figure painter, pupil of the School of Design and of Bonnat in Paris. Has exhibited at the Paris and Brussels Salons. Works : Little Musician (1876) ; Rosa la fileuse, Little Artist (1878). TOMYRIS, Rubens, Earl Darnley, Cob- ham Hall, England ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 8 in. X 11 ft. 9 in. Seventeen figures. Tomyris commanding the head of Cyrus to be im- mersed in blood (Herod., i. 205). The Queen, in a white-satin robe embroidered with gold, accompanied by a lady on her left, and three others and two pages behind her, stands at right on a dais, observing the executioner, who, bending on one knee, holds the head of Cyrus over a golden charger filled with blood ; several courtiers and soldiers look on. Orleans Collection ; bought by Earl of Darnley for 1,200 guin- eas. Engraved by P. Pontius ; Ragot ; Du- change ; Launay. Waagen, Treasures, iii. 23 ; Smith, ii. 207. By Rubens, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 8 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. The Queen, in a satin robe and mantle lined with ermine, on a throne at right, with two female attendants at her left, an elderly female behind, and a minister of state and two soldiers at her right ; on the opposite side, an execu- tioner holding the head of Cyrus over a brazen vase, and a man in a crimson robe looking on. Valued in 1816 at 100,000 francs. Cat. Louvre ; Smith, ii. 117. TOORENVLIET, JACOB, born at Ley- den in 1641, died there in 1719. Dutch school ; history, genre, and portrait paint- er ; studied in Leyden and in Rome, whith- er he went in 1670 ; also lived for several years in Venice. Works : Old Woman Spin- ning (1667), Carlsruhe Gallery ; Butcher Shop (1677), Museum, Vienna ; Men with Books (6, five dated 1675, 1677), Man be- fore Mirror (1676), two others (1679), sev- eral, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; Woman Singing and Organ Grinder (1678), Fish- Seller at Window (1679), Jew with Book, Man giving Flower to Woman (attributed), Dresden Gallery ; Company of Four with Books, Brunswick Gallery ; Peasant hold- ing Vessel, Woman looking out of Window, Cassel Gallery ; Peasant between two kinds of W T ine, Moltke Collection, Copenhagen ; Benediction being read in a Synagogue, The Curse do., Christiania Gallery ; Soldiers at Cards (1682), Old Woman placing Candle in a Lantern, Darmstadt Museum ; Old Man with Book, Gotha Museum ; Melon Vender, Poultry Vender, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck ; The Quack Doctor, Schleissheim Gallery ;