Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/349

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TRIEBEL Rota. Acquired by National Gallery in 1852. C. & C., Titian, ii. 388. By Valentin, Louvre, Paris ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 9 in. x 5 ft. At right, Christ with right hand extended, as if speaking ; at left, a Phari- see, wearing spectacles, presents the piece of money, to which a second one, standing in centre, points interrogatively. Figures half-length. Collection of Louis XIV. En- graved by Baudet ; by Claessens in Musce francais. Boveil, vi. 424. TRIEBEL, KARL, born at Dessau in 1823, died at Wernigerodo in the Hartz, Sept. 16, 1885. Landscape painter, pupil of Beck, then in Berlin of Karl Schulz, Krause, and Biermann ; visited repeat- edly Bavaria, Tyrol, Swit- zerland, and North Italy. Court painter to Duke of Anhalt, 1851 ; made pro- fessor by King of Prussia, 1855. Works:OnSt.Goth- ard Road ; Hintersee in the Ramsau ; The High Goll ; Thun Lake ; Landscapes in the Hartz Mountains ; Lake of Brienz ; The Dachstein ; The Kyffhiiuser in Thurin- gia ; Alpine Landscapes (2, one dated 1854), Leipsic Museum ; Landscape, Stet- tin Museum ; Swiss Land- scape, Lake of Luzerne, Wiesbaden Gallery. Muller, 526 ; Kunst- Chronik, xxi. 34. TRIGT, HENDRIK ALBERT VAN, born at Dordrecht, Oct. 22, 1829. Genre painter. Works: Service in Lutheran Church in Norway (1866), Baptism in Norway (1875), Amsterdam Museum ; Last Days of Eras- mus (1879), Rotterdam Museum. TRINITY, Mariotto Albertinetti, Florence Academy ; wood. Christ on the Cross in a glory of angels ; above, the Dove and God the Father, with right hand in act of benediction and left holding an open book, with the Alpha and Omega upon it. Paint- ed about 1510 for S. Giuliano, whence re- moved to Academy. Vasari, ed. Mil, iv. 222 ; C. & C., Italy, iii. 488 ; GalL Accad. di Firenze, PL 56. By Rubens, Munich Gallery ; canvas, H. 10 ft. 5 in. x 3 ft. 7 in. The Father and the Son, represented by majestic figures, the former with a sceptre, the latter with a cross, both seated on clouds, with their feet on a globe borne by three angels ; above, the Dove, hovering in a flood of light. Formerly altarpiece in the Angus- tin Church, Munich. Engraved by Voster- man, and anonymous. Lithographed by Tribute Money, Valentin, Louvre, Paris. | Piloty. Same subject, with saints below, in England. Smith, ii. 75, 267. By Titian. See Gloria. TRINITY, ADORATION OF, Albrecht Dilrcr, Vienna Museum ; wood, arched at top, H. 4 ft. 4 in. x 4 ft. ; signed, dated 1511. God the Father enthroned, with the Dove above in a glory of seraphim, holds before him Christ crucified ; on each side is a choir of angels with the instruments of the Passion, and below them the saints on the left the martyrs of the New Testa- 1 ment, led by the Virgin, on the right the i heroes of the Old Testament, led by John urn