Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/361

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TRYON full-length, nude, standing in a dark rocky niche or cell, the symbolic well, with water and flags at her feet, the left hand grasping a rope extending from above, the right raised on high above her head holding a mirror which blazes with light Salon, 1870. Replica in small (18 in. x 7 in.), S. A. Coale, Jr., St. Louis. Photogravure in Art Treasures of America. Art Treas. of Amer., iii. 51. TEYON, D WIGHT WILLIAM, born in New York, Aug. 13, 1849. Landscape and figure painter ; pupil of Jacquesson de la Chevreuse, Daubigny, and A. Guillemette in Paris. Sketched in Holland, Italy, and the Channel Islands. Studied abroad, 1876- 81. Studio in New York, where he first exhibited in the National Academy in 1872. Works: On the Maas Holland, Harvest Time in Normandy (1881) ; Hay Making Westchester ; Dordrecht on the Maas (1883) ; Twilight Connecticut, Early Morning Dartmouth, October Evening (1884). Water-colours : Twilight Brit- tany, Waning Moon, Connecticut Valley (1884) ; October Afternoon, Gray Day in October (1885). T'SCHAGGENY, CHARLES PHILO- GENE, born in Brussels, May 26, 1815. Animal, landscape, and genre painter, pupil of E. Verboeckhoven ; excels in represent- ing the horse, which plays a prominent part in his pictures. Painted in London and at Oxford in 1848-50. Gold medal, Brussels, 1845. Order of Leopold, 1851; Officer, 1875. Works : Labourers at Rest (1845) ; Mowers (1851), Cow Doctor, Royal Collec- ! tion, Osborne ; Cart Horses before Tavern (1854), Leipsic Museum ; Transportation of Horses (1855) ; Flemish Wedding in Seven- teenth Century (1855), Neuchatel Museum ; Mail Coach in the Ardennes (1862), Brus- sels Museum ; Smugglers on Franco-Belgian Frontier ; Episode on Battlefield, South Kensington Museum ; Post detained by Snow, Flemish Team (1867) ; Before the Storm (1878) ; Rest at Blacksmith's Shop (Latham sale, New York, 1878). Art j Journal (1866), 334; Meyer, Conv. Lex., xix. 941. T'SCHAGGENY, EDMOND, born in Brussels in 1818, died there, Sept 5, 1873. Genre and animal painter, brother of pre- ceding, pupil of E. Verboeckhoven ; espe- cially successful iu characterizing the indi- vidual traits of the different animal species. Works: Bull Pursuing a Woman (1849), Neuchatel Museum ; Herd Resting, Leipsic Museum ; Paul Potter Studying (1850) ; Mounted Freebooters in Ambush (1851) ; Giotto drawing Sheep (1852) ; Herd in Storm (1861) ; New-Born Lamb (18G2) ; Sheep at Pasture, Horse in Burning Stable ; Arabs marching with Cattle ; Anatomy of Cattle (100 water-colours, 1865) ; Resting Herd, Leipsic Museum. TSCHAUTSCH, ALBERT, born at See- low, Brandenburg, Dec. 21, 1843. Paints exclusively subjects from German legends and fairy tales ; pupil of Schrader in Berlin, where he settled after having visited Rome. Works: Sleeping Beauty (1872) ; Snowdrop, Titania and Oberon (1874) ; Undine (1876) ; Cinderella (1879). Rosenberg, Berl. Ma- lersch., 321. TUCKERMAN, S. SALISBURY, born in Massachusetts ; 'contemporary. Landscape and marine painter ; pupil of William M. Hunt, Boston, and studied in Paris. Rarely exhibits. Studio at The Hague since 1882. Works : Beach at Hastings, U. S. Frigate Constitution escaping from British Fleet in 1812(1876); Dutch Fishing-Boats beach- ing in a Gale (1882). TULDEN. See Tliulden. TUNICA, HERMANN, born in Bruns- wick, Oct. 9, 1826. History painter, son of and first instructed by the portrait painter Johann Christian Tunica, then pupil of Brandes ; studied the horse from nature, then in Paris, copying Horace Vernet's bat- tlepieces ; visited Brussels, Berlin, Dresden, and Munich, and finally settled in Bruns- wick. Works : Portraits and battle scenes in life of Brunswick Princes, Grand-ducal Palace, Brunswick ; Great Parade near 305