Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/369

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ULRICH Bavarian Highlands, Tyrol, and Switzerland. Works : Oaks (1860) ; View of Bosig (1868) ; View in the Ramsau ; do. near Kuhpolding ; Evening on the Lake, etc. Many in private collections in Prague and other cities of Bohemia. Wurzbach, xlix. 1. ULMANN, BENJAMIN, born at Blotz- heim, Alsace, May 24, 1829, died in Paris, Feb. 25, 1884. History, genre, and portrait painter, pupil of Drolling and Picot. Won the grand prix de Rome in 1859. Medals : 3d class, 1859; medal, 1866; 2d ckss, 1872 ; L. of Honour, 1872. Works : Dante in Hades (1855); Junius Brutus (1859), Melun Museum ; Sylla and Marius (1861) ; Patroclus and Amphidnmas, Le Mans Mu- seum ; Samson and Delilah (1863) ; A De- feat (1864); Ora del Pianto a Piperno (1867), Marseilles Museum ; Ariadne (1869) ; Return of Charles V. to Paris (1870) ; The Bell-Ringers of Nuremberg (1872), Luxem- bourg Museum ; El Ochavito del Jueves a Burgos, Education (1873) ; Gitanos of the Albaycin of Granada (1874) ; Cain's Re- morse (1875) ; Lorelei on the Rhine, The Great Rattle of Nuremberg during the Ab- sence of the Bells on Holy Thursday (1878) ; Sylla and Marius (1878), Luxembourg Mu- seum ; Cato dragged from the Senate (1879) ; Marguerite in Prison (1881) ; three decorative paintings for the Palais de Jus- tice, and one for the Palais Royal. Bel- lier, ii. 604 ; Revue des Deux Mondes (1859) ; Claretie, Peintres, 213, 335, 386 ; Meyer, Gesch., 604 ; Kunst-Chronik, six. 349, 397. ULRICH, lay brother in the monastery at Maulbronn, early part of the 15th cen- tury. German school ; executed in 1424 two large wall paintings in the church at Maul- bronn, in which the life-size figures are well modelled and the expression of the Virgin and Child is pleasing. Schnaase, vi. 467. ULRICH, CHARLES FREDERICK, born in New York, Oct. 8, 1858. Figure painter, student of the National Academy ; later, pupil of Lofftz and Lindenschmidt in Mu- nich. Studied abroad in 1873-81. Elected an A.N.A. in 1883. Member of Society of American Artists. Studio in New York. Works: The Engraver, Spinner (1882); Glass Blowers, Amateur Etcher (T. B. Clarke, New York), Carpenter at Work (1883) ; In the Land of Promise Castle Garden (William T. Evans), Symphony (1884); Relics of Bygone Days, Waifs (1885). ULRICH, HANS JACOB, born at Andel- fingen, Canton Zurich, about 1798, died at Zurich in 1878. Marine, landscape, and animal painter ; was at first a merchant, but took up art in Paris, and thence went to Italy in 1828 ; having won reputation and success at Naples, where he was made hon- orary professor at the Academy, he returned to Paris in 1831, visited England and the Netherlands, and subsequently became pro- fessor at the Polytechnic Institute in Zurich. His pictures are distinguished for beautiful light effects, and supplied with well-drawn and characteristic figures. Works: View of Rotterdam Harbour at Evening (1844), Berne Museum ; Morning on Sea Shore, St. Gall Museum ; Coast at Trouville, Forest Brook, Garda Lake, Marine (last work), Zurich Gallery ; Burning Steamship on Stormy Sea, Lake of Lucerne (1845), Leip- sic Museum. ULYSSES, ancient pictures. See Athe- nian, Euphranor, Nicomachu*, PamphUua, Parrhasius, Polygnoius, Timanthes. ULYSSES AND NAUSICAA, Claude Ijor- rain, M. H. Arnot, Elrnira, N. Y. ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 5 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. ; signed, dated Rome, 1658. A seaport ; on right, trees, and beyond, part of a city with a fleet at anchor ; in foreground, centre, Nausicaii, her attention arrested by Ulysses, who is

issuing cautiously from behind a tree

(Homer, Od., vi.). Painted for Francesco Alberici ; passed to M. Faruese, Humphrey Morris, Earl of Ashburnham, and Duke of I Hamilton ; Hamilton sale (1882), 840. Engraved by F. Vivares. Liber Veritatis, j No. 139. Picture called also Bacchus and Ariadne. Hamilton Cat., 149; Pattison, I Claude Lorrain, 78, 218. 313