Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/371

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UNTERBERGER with St. John, Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck ; Martyrdom of St. Pontianus, Spoleto Cathe- dral ; Assumption, Loreto Cathedral ; St. Julian, St. Agnes, Brixen Cathedral ; Kitch- en Scene, Cellar Scene, Cleopatra, Liechten- stein Gallery, Vienna. Wurzbach, xlix. 79. UNTEBBERGER, FRANZ, born at Inns- bruck, Aug. 15, 1838. Landscape painter, pupil of Munich Academy, then in Milan of Albert Zimmerinann and in Diisseldorf of Andreas Achenbach ; in 1860 visited Nor- way, and settled in Brussels, where he fol- lowed the Belgian school, and whence he visited Southern France and Italy and several times the coasts of England and Scotland. Several medals. Order of Fran- cis Joseph. Works : View near Chiavenna (1859) ; Sogne Fjord in Norway (1861) ; View near Innsbruck (1862) ; Norwegian Landscape (1863) ; Moonlight (1864) ; View in Oetz Valley (1865) ; View near Naples (1868) ; View in Capri (1870) ; Achen Lake in Tyrol (1872); Palermo (1878). Wurz- bach, xlix. 83. UNTERBERGER, IGNAZ, bom at Cava- lese in 1748, died in Vienna, Dec. 4, 1797. German school ; history and genre painter, brother and, in Rome, pupil of Christoph Unterberger, having at first been instructed by his uncle Franz in his native place. In Rome he was benefited by intercourse with Mengs, Battoni, Maron, and others, but was especially influenced by the works of Correggio, whose style he imitated so suc- cessfully that some of his copies were taken for originals, even by competent judges, and sold as such by art dealers. In 1776 he returned home, and thence went to Vienna, where his exhibited works were well re- ceived and he was made a member of the Academy, and subsequently court painter. In great favor with Prince Kaunitz, he received numerous commissions both at home and abroad. Works : Picture of Ma- donna carried by Angels, Italian Church, Vienna ; two Pictures with Genii, Palais Auersperg, ib. ; Nativity ; Hebe offering Nectar to Jupiter's Eagle (bought by the Emperor Francis) ; Hymen ; Allegory on Peace and Love ; Descent of the Holy Ghost, Koniggratz Cathedral; Portrait of Count von Heister, Ferdinandeum, Inns- bruck. Wurzbach, xlix. 84. UNTERBERGER, MICHAEL ANGELO, born at Cavalese, Aug. 12, 1695, died in Vienna, June 27, 1758. German school ; history painter, pupil of Giuseppe Alberti, then in Venice of Piazetta ; painted for some time at Passau, and in 1738 went to Vienna, where he amassed a considerable fortune, was much esteemed by the Empress Maria Theresa, and from 1751 was director of the Academy alternately with Paul Tro- ger. Works : Expulsion of Hagar (1739), Vienna Academy (?) ; St. Anthony of Padua receiving into his Arms the Infant Christ, St. Stephen's, Vienna ; St. Anthony of Padua and St. Michael, SL Michael's, ib. ; Death of the Virgin (1749), Brixen Cathe- dral ; Diana and Endymion (?), Ferdinan- deum, Innsbruck. Wurzbach, xlix. 93. URBAN VI., VENGEANCE OF, Jean Paul Laurens, John G. Johnson, Philadel- phia. Pope Urban VI., in his purple cape embroidered with gold, stands in a dungeon or torture-chamber, grimly gloating over the blood-stained bodies of the cardinals who had plotted against him in 1384, which, clad in their red gowns, lie in a ghastly row against the wall. URBINO, DUKE AND DUCHESS OF. See Rovere. URLAUB, GEORG, born in St. Peters- burg in 1845. History and genre painter, pupil of St. Petersburg Academy, where he won a gold medal, then in Berlin of Alexan- der von Werner. Member of St. Peters- burg Academy. Works : Job's Sufferings ; Daughter of Jairus ; Merry Company (1882). Zeitschr. f. b. K, xvii. 232, 336. URLAUB, GEORG KARL, born at Ans- bach, Bavaria, in 1749, died at Marburg, Hesse, in 1809. Genre, battle, and portrait painter, studied in his native town, then travelled extensively ; lived successively at Wurzburg, Schweiuf urth, Hauau, and finally 815