Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/374

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UTKECHT and Vegetables, Madrid Museum ; Kitchen Interior, Brussels Museum ; Still-Life, Mu- seum, Antwerp ; Arrival of Cardinal Infant Ferdinand, City Hall, ib. ; Fish - Seller's Shop, Ghent Museum ; Cock Fight, Lille Museum ; Table with Fruit and Provisions, Amsterdam Museum ; Poultry-Yard (1643), Berlin Museum ; Lady among Kitchen Sup- plies and Utensils (figure by Thulden), Carls- rulie Gallery ; Still-Life, Cologne Museum ; Fruit and other Eatables (1647), Dresden Gallery ; Poultry (1G52), Leipsic Museum ; Kitchen Interior (1629), Cassel Gallery ; do., Weimar Museum ; Fruit-Piece (1647), Co- penhagen Gallery; do., Hermitage, St. Pe- tersburg ; Dead Game, Leuchtenberg Gal- lery, ib. ; Breakfast -Table (2), Schwerin Gallery ; Fruit Festoon (1644), Vienna Mu- l&it 7647 seum. Ch. Blanc, Kcole flamande ; Burger, Musees, ii. 157 ; Kramm, vi. 1661 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 338 ; Michiels, ix. 187 ; Eooses (Reber), 422 ; Van den Branden, 1082. UTEECHT, CHEISTOPH VAN, born at Utrecht in 1491 (or 1498 ?), died at Lisbon in 1550 (or 1557). Dutch school ; history and portrait painter, supposed pupil of An- tonis Moro (?), with whom he is said to have gone to Spain, and thence to Lisbon, where he painted altarpieces for churches, and highly-esteemed portraits, and was much honoured by John III. of Portugal. Kramm, i. 232 ; Nagler, xix. 268 ; Kaczynski, Arts en Portugal, 255. UTEECHT, JACOB VAN, flourished at Utrecht about 1523. Dutch school ; por- trait painter, possibly the same who was re- ceived master of the guild at Antwerp in 1506. Signed himself Jacobus Trajectensis. Works : Male Portrait (1523), Berlin Muse- um ; do. (1524), Baron Minutoli's Collec- tion, Schloss Fridersdorf, Silesia. Meyer, Gemiilde der kongl. Mus. (1883), 471 ; Zeit- schr. f. b. K, xxi. 324. UWINS, THOMAS, bom at Pentonville, near London, Feb. 25, 1782, died at Staines, Aug. 25, 1857. Apprenticed to an engraver, but became a student at Eoyal Academy in 1798 ; began as a water-colour painter and illustrator of books. In 1814 he visited the South of France and took up subject paint- ing in oils ; studied in Italy in 1826-31, and on his return established a reputation by his Italian scenes ; became A.R.A. in 1833, R.A. in 1838, librarian in 1844, surveyor of the Queen's pictures in 1845, and keeper of the National Gallery in 1847. "Works : Vin- tage in South of France, Chapeau de Brigand, Sir Guyon fighting for Temperance (Faerie Queene, ii. 12), National Gallery. Art Jour- nal, Sept., 1847; Oct., 1857; Cat. Eoyal Acad. ; Redgrave ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole anglaise ; Sandby, ii. 157 ; Mrs. Nevius, Eecollections of T. U. (London, 1858). UYTENBEOECK (Wtenbrouck), MO- ZES VAN, surnamed Little Moses, born at Delft about 1590, died in The Hague about 1650. Dutch school ; landscape painter, in the style of Elsheimer and Bril, supposed pupil of Poelenburg ; master of the guild at The Hague in 1620 ; its dean in 1627 ; en- livened his pictures with scriptural and mythological scenes, which show a vivid im- agination, great skill in grouping, and knowl- edge of chiaroscuro. Works : Juno and Argus (1625), Augsburg Gallery ; Eaising of Lazarus, Aschaffenburg Gallery ; Feast of Bacchus (1627), Jupiter and Mercury re- ceived by Philemon and Baucis, Brunswick Gallery ; Triumph of Bacchus, Landscape with Mars and Venus (attributed to Elshei- mer), Cassel Gallery ; Moonlight, Copenha- gen Gallery ; Bacchus and Ariadne, Prague Gallery; Landscape with dancing Shep- herds, do. with Nymphs, Museum, Vienna ; do. with Herd, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; do. (attributed to Elsheimer), Pesth Muse- um ; Lot and Daughters (1627), Count Bel- giojoso, Milan ; Landscape with Cascade, Uffizi, Florence. Bode, Studien, 337 ; Im- merzeel, iii. 151 ; Kramm, vi. 1663 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 213 ; Vosmaer, Rembrandt, ses precurseurs, 98. 318