Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/377

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VALADON Italy before settling in New York in 1872, where he committed suicide. His morbid nature shows itself in the sombre character of his more important works. Works : First Grief; After the War ; Veronica gaz- ing upon the Face of her dead Rival; Othello and the Handkerchief, Palette Club, New York. VALADON, JULES EMMANUEL, born in Paris, Oct. 5, 1826. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Drolling, Cogniet, and Henri Lehmann. Medal, 3d class, 1880. Works: Brother and Sister, Two Friends (1874); Bouquet Seller (1875) ; Artist's Por- trait (1878), Orleans Museum ; During a Funeral Service (1879); Charity (1881), Ministry of Fine Arts (1881) ; Mary Magda- len (1883) ; A Diogenes, Poor Man's Revel (1884); Revery (1885); At Church, Old Man (1886). Bellier, ii. 608. VALCKENBORCH, FREDERIK VAN, born at Mechlin about 1570, died at Nurem- berg in 1623. Flemish school; genre and landscape painter, son and pupil of Lucas van Valckenborch, whom he accompanied to Nuremberg in 1566. Works : Annual Fair (1594), Kirmess Festival (1595), Vien- na Museum ; Woodland Scenes (2, 1622), Christiania Gallery ; Woodland with Nymphs and Animals, Fiirstenberg Gallery, Donau- eschingen. Kramm, vi. 1670. VALCKENBORCH (Valkenburg), LU- CAS VAN, born at Mechlin about 1530 or 1540, died in Germany about 1625. Flem- ish school ; landscape and portrait painter ; master of Mechlin guild in 1564 ; went in 1566 to Antwerp, where he seems to have studied under Pieter Brueghel, then with his brother Marten, and with Jan Frode- man de Vries to Ais-la-Chapelle and Liege, where they sketched many landscapes on the banks of the Meuse. In 1570 he fol- lowed the Archduke Matthias to Linz ; painted for him several years, was after- wards associated with Joris Hoefnagel, for whom he made drawings at Frankfort in 1594, and in 1597 was settled at Nuremberg, where Sandrart knew him in 1622. Works : The Mines, Smithy, Camel Drivers, Arch- ducal Palace at Brussels, Madrid Museum ; Winter View of Antwerp (1559), City View (1593), Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort; Rocky Landscape with Mill (1595), do. Landscape with Mineral Spring (1596) Brunswick Gal- lery ; Kirmess in Flemish Village (1574), Gotha Museum ; Tower of Babel (1568), Old Pinakothek, Munich ; View of Linz on the Danube (1594), Oldenburg Gallery ; Peas- ants' Brawl, Count of Burgau in Roman Armour (1580), Mountainous Landscapes (3, 1580, 1585), Summer (1585), Winter (1586), Ladies and Gentlemen in a Park (1587), Archduke Matthias Fishing (1590), Tavern Scene (1598), Museum, Vienna ; City on River in Mountainous Landscape, Liech- tenstein Gallery, ib. F6tis, Artistes beiges a I'utranger, ii. 136 ; Kramm, vi. 1671 ; Michiels, vi. 146 ; Neefs, i. 223 ; Riegel, Beitriige, ii. 21. VALCKENBORCH (Valkenburg), MAR- TEN VAN, born at Mechlin in 1533 or 1542, died in Frankfort. Flemish school ; landscape, genre, and portrait painter, brother of Lucas, with whom he went to Germany ; afterwards settled in Frankfort. Works : Burning of Troy, Mardi Gras, Four Seasons, Frankfort Museum ; Flat Country with Waggon, Gotha Gallery ; Tower of Ba- bel (1595), Dresden Gallery ; Kinness, Mu- seum, Vienna ; Landscapes (11), Ambras Collection, ib. ; Gillis van Valckenborch, painter of the Defeat of Sennacherib (after 1600), in the Brunswick Gallery, was prob- ably his son. Kramm, vi. 1671 ; Nagler, xix. 310. VALCKERT, WERNER VAN, flourished at Amsterdam first quarter of 17th century. History and portrait painter, supposed pupil of Hendrik Goltzius, in whose manner he painted ; circumstances of life unknown. Works : Four Members of Merchants' Guild (1622), Four Regents of Lepers' House (1624), Three do., Military Organization 3X1