Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/379

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VALENTINIAN relling over Game of Dice, Herminia and the Shepherds, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; Three Apostles in Conversation, Oldenburg Gallery ; A Repast, National Museum, Pesth ; Christ driving the Money Changers from the Temple, Peter's Denial, Soldiers at Dice, A Concert, Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; St. John the Baptist in Meditation, Stockholm Museum ; Moses with the Law Tables, Mu- seum, Vienna ; Musical Trio, Liechtenstein Gallery, ib. ; St. Cecilia with two Holy Women and an Angel, Czernin Gallery, ib. ; " You see the Beam in your Neigh- bour's Eye," etc., Guitar Player, Mountain- ous Landscape with Figures and Animals, Uffizi, Florence ; Christ and the Doctors, Pinacoteca Capitolina, Rome ; Martyrdom of S. Processa and Martinian, Vatican, ib. (copy in mosaic, by Cristofori, St. Peter's, ib.) ; Joseph interpreting the Dreams, Palazzo Borghese, ib. ; Peter's Denial, Palazzo Cor- sini, ib. ; Roman Charity, St. John, Palazzo Doria, ib. ; Beheading of St. John, Rome Tri- umphant, Palazzo Sciarra, ib. ; Holy Family, Palazzo Spada, ib. ; Christ at the Column, Turin Gallery ; Martyrdom of St. Lawrence, Madrid Museum. - . Bellier, i. 141 ; /Yj . Ch. Blanc, cole / 1 6 J fran Dauverg Valentin (Alma- nach du departm. de Seine-et-Marne, 18G2), 116 ; Emeric-David, Nat. hist, sur les chefs- d'oeuvre de la peinture, etc. (Paris, 1854), 278 ; Mariette, Abecedario, v. 357. VALENTINIAN I., Roman Emperor (A. D. 364-375), was an amateur painter and mod- eller. Aurel. Viet., Epit. de Cses., 45, 7; Ammianus Marcelliuus, xxx. 9, 4 ; Over- beck, Schriftquellen, 2135. VALE OF REST, Sir John E. Millain, Bart., H. Tait, Streatham, England ; canvas. Illustrating an ancient Scottish superstition, that when a coffin-shaped cloud is seen in the sky it is a symbol of approaching death. Scene in a convent garden, at sunset ; amongst the hillocks of graves, with gray lanc, cole / 1 Jo caise, i. ; / / .^ -/-' ergne, Le faJWM7l f - ' headstones looking sad in the waning light, are two women, one, a novice, up to her knees in a grave from which she is vigor- ously throwing out the earth with a spade ; the other, an older nun, sitting on a pros- trate headstone holding a rosary, her face showing that she has seen the coffin-shaped cloud which hangs over the setting sun. Royal Academy, 1859. Graham sale (1886), 3,000. Indian ink sketch (1858), H. V. Tebbs. VALERO, CRIST6BAL, born at Albora- ya, Valencia, died at Valencia, Dec. 18, 1789. Spanish school ; history and portrait paint- er, pupil of Evaristo Muiioz (1671-1737), then in Rome of Sebastiauo Conca ; after his return he became a priest, and soon after director of the newly erected Academy of S. Barbara (1754), which was afterwards made a royal institution under the name of S. Carlos (1768), with Valero as its presi- dent. Honorary member of San Fernando Academy, 1762. Works : Two Scenes from Don Quixote, Madrid Museum ; pictures in S. Francisco, S. Julian, S. Andrea, the Cap- uchins, the Trinitarians and the Miuimos, Valencia; Portraits of Prelates, Archbish- j op's Palace, ib. VALKENBURG, DIRK, born in Amster- dam in 1675, died there in 1721. Dutch school ; still-life and animal painter, pupil of Jan Weenix, whose style he acquired so suc- cessfully that his pictures are frequently mistaken for his master's ; was also a good portrait painter, and in 1695 went to Ger- many, where he was employed by different princes, and long resided. Works : Dead [Hare and Poultry (1704), Stiidel Gallery,

Frankfort ; Bear attacked by Dogs (1703),

Gallery, Copenhagen ; Dead Game and Im- plements of the Chase, Moltke Collection, ib. ; Hunting Booty (4), Liechtenstein Gal- lery, Vienna; do. (5), Harrach Gallery, ib.; Immerzeel, iii. 154. VALLANCE, WILLIAM F., born at Pais- ley, Scotland ; contemporary. Marine paint- er, pupil of Robert Scott Lauder and of the Royal Scottish Academy. Studio in Edin-