Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/38

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KAPHAEL xv. 238; (1878), xvii. 44; (1879), xx. 173; (1880), xxii. 307, 379, 453, 465, 531 ; (1881), xxiii. 140 ; (1882), xxv. 281, 385 ; xxvi. 465 ; (1883), xxvii. 158 ; xxviii. 474 ; Graph. K, v. 53 ; Kunst-Chronik, xiii. 622 ; xv. 6 ; x. 337 ; xv. 6; xviii. 425, 457, 576, 579; xix. 429, 712 ; xx. 39 ; xxi. 141 ; Mag. of Art (1886), ix. 371 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., iii. 273, 298 ; iv. 153, 187 ; viii. 65 ; ix. 381 ; xvi. 253 ; xix. 60, 92 ; xxi. 43, 263. EAPHAEL, portrait, Raphael, Uffizi, Flor- ence ; wood, H. 18 in. x 12 in. The pict- ure so often engraved bust of a young man about twenty-three years old, in black doub- let and cap, from which luxuriant chestnut hair falls in curls upon his bare neck. Painted in Florence in 1506-07. In Urbino until 1588, when it was transferred by Fe- derico Zucchero to the Academy of St. Luke, Kome ; afterward sold to Cardinal Leopoldo de' Medici. Suffered from abrasion and re- painting. Old copies in Palazzo Borghese, Kome, and Palazzo Albani, Urbino. En- graved by F. Muller ; F. Forster. C. & C., Raphael, i. 281 ; Passavant, ii. 49 ; Miintz, 217. EAPHAEL'S BIBLE, a series of fifty- two frescos in the Loggie of the Vatican, Eome. The Loggia which leads to the apartments of the Pope consists of thirteen arcades arched in cupolas. Each of the arcades contains four pictures ; forty-eight subjects are from the Old Testament, and four from the life of Christ. The sketches were made by Raphael, the cartoons were prepared by Giulio Romano, and the paint- ing was done by Giulio Romano, II Fattore, Perino del Vaga, Pellegrino da Modena, Vincenzio da San Gimignano, Polidoro da Caravaggio, and others. Painted about 1516-19. 1st Arcade. Creation of the World. Four compositions : 1. God brings Light from Chaos ; 2. God creates the Earth ; 3. God creates the Firmament ; 4. God creates Animals. 2d Arcade. Adam and Eve. Four com- positions : 1. God presents Eve to Adam ; 2. Adam and Eve disobey God ; 3. Adam and Eve driven from Paradise ; 4. Adam and Eve out of Paradise. 3d Arcade. History of Noah. Four com- positions : 1. Noah building Ark ; 2. Del- uge ; 3. Noah leaving Ark ; 4. Sacrifice of Noah. 4th Arcade. History of Abraham. Four compositions : 1. Abraham and Melchisedec ; 2. God reveals himself to Abraham ; 3. Abra- ham visited by the Angels ; 4. Lot and his Family flee from Sodom. 5th Arcade. History of Isaac. Four compositions : 1. God appears to Isaac ; 2. Isaac and Rebecca with Abimelech ; 3. Ja- cob receives the Blessing of Isaac ; 4. Esau demands his Father's Blessing. 6th Arcade. History of Jacob. Four compositions : 1. Dream of Jacob ; 2. Ja- cob at the Fountain ; 3. Jacob reproaching Laban ; 4. Jacob returning to Canaan. Painted by Pellegrino da Modena after de- signs of Raphael. 7th Arcade. History of Joseph. Four compositions : 1. Dreams of Joseph ; 2. Jo- seph sold by his Brethren ; 3. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife ; 4. Joseph explains Dreams of Pharaoh. 8th and 9th Arcades. History of Moses. Eight compositions : 1. Moses saved from the Waters ; 2. Burning Bush ; 3. Passage of the Red Sea ; 4. Moses strikes the Rock ; 5. God gives Moses the First Tables of the Law ; 6. Worship of the Golden Calf ; 7. The Column of Cloud ; 8. Moses presents to Israelites the New Tables of the Law. 10th Arcade. History of Joshua. Four compositions : 1. Passage of the Jordan ; 2. Taking of Jericho ; 3. Joshua causing the Sun to stand still ; 4. Division of Land of Canaan. llth Arcade. History of David. Four compositions : 1. Oath of David ; 2. David kills Goliath ; 3. Triumph of David ; 4. David and Bathsheba. 12th Arcade. History of Solomon. Four compositions : 1. Oath of Solomon ; 2. Judgment of Solomon ; 3. Building of 10