Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/385

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VEOELLI fruit and flowers, as she glances back at the spectator. Painted about 1555 for Niccolo Crasso ; bought in Florence, in 1832, for 5,000 thalers, from Abbate Celotti, for Ber- lin Museum. Replica in Lord Cowper's Collection, London, with a casket, instead of fruit and flowers, on the silver dish ; from the Orleans Gallery. C. & C., Titian, ii. 13G ; Waagen, Treasures, ii. 497 ; Ridolfi, Maraviglie, i. 253, 259. By Titian, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 8 in. X 3 ft. 1 in. A young girl, dressed in white damask silk, her yellow hair strewed with pearls, and with car-rings and necklace of pearls, tucks up the train of her gown with one hand and waves a palmetto fan with the other. Painted about 1555 ; came to Dresden from Modena ; transferred in 1827 to a new canvas ; fairly preserved. Copy in the Cassel Museum ; another by Rubens in Vienna Museum ; study in Al- bertina Collection, Vienna. C. & C., Titian, ii. 135. By Titian, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, life- size ; signed. A lady of mature years, in dress of green velvet, standing in a room, waving a fan of plumes. The features arc different from those traditionally known as Lavinia's, and resemble those of Venus with the Whispering Cupid, in the Uffizi. Paint- ed in 1558 ; sold with the Modena Collec- tion to the King of Saxony. A masterpiece of portraiture (C. & C.). Engraved by Ba- san. Transferred to a new canvas in 182G. C. & C., Titian, ii. 267. VECELLI (Vecellio), MARCO, called Marco di Tiziano, born at Venice in 1545, died there in 1611. Venetian school ; his- tory painter, grand-nephew and favourite pupil of Titian, whom he accompanied in his journeys to Germany and Rome, and whose style, both in composition and colouring, he imitated most successfully, whence his sur- name. Works : Allegory on Peace of Bo- logna in 1529, Doge Leonardo Donato kneeling before Madonna, Victory of the Venetians in the Morea in 1148, several others, Palazzo ducale, Venice ; Christ illu- minating the World, SS. Giovanni e Pao- lo, ib. ; Altarpieces in several other churches, ib. ; Crucifixion and two Episodes in Life of St. Catherine, Parish church at Cadore. His son Tiziano Vecellio, the younger, called Tizianello (born in 1570), degenerated under the influence of the mannerism prevailing at the beginning of the 17th century, but was much esteemed as a portrait painter. Lanzi (Roscoe), ii. 1G8 ; Nagler, six. 494. VECELLI (Vecellio), ORAZIO, born in Venice, 1515, died there in 1576. Venetian school ; second son and pupil of Titian, whom he served constantly as an assistant. He accompanied his father to Rome, where he painted Battista Siciliano, a celebrated violin player, and other persons. His por- traits are praised by Vasari, but he no doubt had aid and advice from his father. Being rich, dissipated, and indolent, ho painted but little, and gained little distinc- tion. His Battle of Castle Sant' Angelo, painted in competition with Tintoretto and Paolo Veronese for the Great Council Hall in the Palazzo Ducale, Venice, was burned in 1574. His only known pictures are the shutters of the altar in S. Biagio of Calalzo, near Cadore. C. <t C., Titian, ii. 484 ; Ch. Blanc, ftcole vi'nitienne ; Vasari, ed. Lo Mon., xi. 322 ; xiii. 36; Burckhardt, 73!). VECELLI, TIZIANO. See Titian. VEDDER, ELIHU, born in New York, Feb. 26, 1836. Genre painter, pupil of T. H. Matteson, Slier- bourne, N. Y., and of Picot in Paris. In 1856 he went to Italy, where he has worked many years. Occasionally exhibits at the National Acad- emy ; elected N. A. in 1865. Studio in Rome. In 1883-84 Vedder made a series of 56 illustrations for the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (Boston, 1884). Works : Ques- tioner of the Sphinx ; The Lost Mind ; Identity ; Lair of the Sea Serpent, Boston /