Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/387

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VELASQUEZ Incarnation, Madonna with Saints and An- gels, St. Damian, and St. Cosmo, the last three executed in 1585 by order of Cardinal Quiroga, whose portrait he painted. His son and pupil, Cristobal do Velasco, was painter to Philip IIL; he also left a son, Matias de Velasco, who painted some pict- </ J ures of merit at Valladolid. Stirling, i. 275 ; iii. 1360 ; Cean Bermudez. VELASQUEZ, portrait, Velasquez, Uffizi, Florence ; canvas, H. 5 ft. 10 in. x 4 ft. 10 in. Bust, three-quarters right ; with mous- tache, and long hair on shoulders, wearing a small skull-cap on back of head ; wide linen collar over dark habit. Engraved by G. Kossi ; C. Colombini. Curtis, 81 ; Stir- ling, 1401. By Velasquez, Uffizi, Florence; canvas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 2 ft. 8 in. Sixty years old, half- length, standing, in black coat and cloak, white collar, and sword ; a medal with cross of Santiago on his breast ; left hand rests on a table ; right partly conceals a key in his girdle. Probably painted in 1659. En- graved by F. Cecchini ; with changes, Bias Amettler ; H. Adlard ; bust only, J. Min- gnet. Ch. Blanc, I5cole espagnole ; Stirling, 1401 ; Curtis, 81. By Velasquez, Valencia Museum ; less than life-size. Bust, turned partly to right ; al- most identical with bust of Uffizi picture of 1659. Etched by Fortuny for the Baron Ch. Davillier's " Momoire de Velasquez" (Paris, 1874). Curtis, 82. VELASQUEZ, CONVERSATION OF. See Artists, Meeting of. VELASQUEZ, DAUGHTER OF. See Clara, St.; Francisca ; Velasquez, Family of. VELASQUEZ, DIEGO RODRIGUEZ DE SILVA Y, born in Seville, baptized June 6, 1599, died in Madrid, Aug. 7, 1660. Spanish school ; pupil of Herrera el Viejo, and of Francisco Pacheco, whose daughter he married in 1618. Examples of his first manner are the Water Carrier, at Apsley House and the Adoration of the Shepherds, National Gallery, London, in the style of Ribera. In 1622 he went to Madrid, hoping, but in vain, to be allowed to paint the king's portrait. After some months' study at the Prado and the Escorial he returned to Seville and painted a portrait of the poet Gclngora, which attracted atten- tion. In 1623 the Duke of Olivures called him back to Madrid, presented him to the king, whose equestrian portrait he painted, and by whom he was appointed court painter. In the same year Velasquez paint- ed a portrait of Prince Charles of England, never finished, and now lost. The visit of Rubens to Madrid, in 1628, excited the young painter's desire to visit Italy, for which he obtained the royal consent, and after finishing the famous picture of Los Jiorrachox, he embarked at Barcelona, July 22, 1629. After passing a year in Rome and some time in Naples, where he became intimate with Spagnoletto, Velasquez re- turned to Madrid early in 1631, to remain for the next eighteen years, during which ho painted many of his finest works. In 1649 the king sent him to Italy to collect pictures for the royal galleries, and for the Academy which he wished to found at Madrid. With his faithful servant and pupil Pareja, Velas- quez successively visited Genoa, Milan, Pa- dua, Venice, Parma, Rome (where he painted Innocent X.),and Naples, returning home in 1651. In the following year the king ap- pointed the great painter quartermaster- general of his household, an office which he held for eight years. During this period he painted, among other famous works, his pictures of Las Meninas (1656), and Las Hilanderas ; attended to the laborious duties of his office ; superintended the placing of 331