Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/398

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VENUS balustrade ; in the distance, a landscape with mountains. Painted about 1547 ; in Urbino Collection. The Venus with the Organ Player, Madrid, is in some re- spects a repetition of it. C. & C., Titian, ii. 156. By Velasquez, Robert Morrit, Rokeby Park, Yorkshire, England ; full-length, life- size. The goddess, nude, her back to the spectator, reclining on a purple couch, be- hind which hangs a green and crimson drapery ; her face is reflected in a mirror da Pontormo, Uffizi, Florence ; Antonio Bellucci, Dresden Museum ; Jan Brueghel, Madrid Museum ; Luca Cambicaso, Palazzo Pallavicini, Genoa ; Girolamo Carpi, Dres- den Museum ; Carlo Cignani, Turin Muse- um ; Lucas Cranach, Palazzo Borghese, Home ; Christian Dietrich, Dresden Muse- um ; Guercino, Accademia di S. Luca, Koine ; Eustache Lesueur, Louvre, Paris ; Pietro Liberi, Vienna Museum ; Heinrich van Lim- borg, Dresden Museum ; Franyois Boucher, Berlin Museum ; Padovanino, Louvre, Paris ; Festival of Venus, Rubens, Vienna Museum. held by Cupid, who kneels on the couch near her feet. In Velasquez's latest man- ner. Formerly in Alcazar at Madrid (1666) ; then in possession of Duke of Alva (1776) ; bought from the Prince of Peace in 1813 by Mr. Morrit for 500. Buchanan, Memoirs, ii. 243 ; Illust. Esp. y Amer., Nov. 8, 1874 ; Curtis, 20 ; Burger, Tresors, 121 ; Larousse, xv. 882. Subject treated also by Lodovico Carrac- ci, Berlin Museum ; Vienna Museum ; Jaco- po Palma, younger, Cassel Gallery ; Jacopo Georg Penckz, Munich Gallery ; Rem- brandt, Louvre ; Andrea Schiavone, Vienna Museum ; Paolo Veronese, Bordeaux Muse- um ; Palazzo Borghese, Rome ; Adriaan van der Werff, Dresden Museum ; Joseph Ma- zerolles (Salon, 1861) ; fidouard Toudouze (Salon, 1874). VENUS AND CUPID, HISTORY OF, 1 Raphael, Bath-room of Cardinal Bibbiena, Vatican ; frescos on walls. Seven large compositions, on a dark red background : 1. Birth of Venus ; 2. Venus and Cupid 343