Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/40

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RAPHAEL RAPHAEL'S MISTRESS. See Forna- rina. RAPHAEL DBS PORCEAUX. See Jacque. RAPHAEL LEAVING TOBIAS, Rem- brandt, Louvre ; wood, H. 2 ft. 3 in. x 1 ft. 9 in. ; signed, dated 1637. Above, the an- gel Raphael in full flight heavenward, his back to the spectator ; below, at left, Sarah wife of Tobias, and Anna her mother, stand- ing at the entrance to the house, with hands clasped in astonishment ; in front of them a dog, and at the foot of the steps, Tobias and his father Tobit, the latter prostrate. Raphael Leaving Tobias, Rembrandt, Louvre. Engraved by Denon ; J. de Frey ; A. and E. Varin ; MalbGte in Musue francais. Lan- don, Musue, vi. PI. 3. RAPHON (pronounced Rap-hon), JO- HAN, flourished at Elmbeck, lower Saxony, early part of 16th century, died in 1528. German school. The heads in his pictures are strong and individual, but wanting in feeling. Works : Two Altar Wings (1503), Collection Hausmann, Hanover ; Resurrec- tion, Brunswick Gallery ; Crucifixion (1508), Halberstadt Cathedral. Kugler, Kl. Schr., i. 486 ; Nagler, xii. 294 ; W. & W., ii. 435. RAPIN, ALEXANDRE, born at Noroy- le-Bourg (Haute Saone) ; contempor- ary. Landscape paint- er, pupil of Gerome, Frangais, Gleyre, and Lancrenon. Medals : 3d class, 1875; 2d class, 1877; L. of Honour, 1884. Works: Sarrazin Brook at Nans-Lison (1867), Besancon Mu- seum ; Shore of a Pond, Ravine of Puits- Noir (1874) ; The Val-Bois in November (1878) ; Morning in Val-Bois, The River Loue at Scey (1879) ; End of Autumn, Mill at Cressonieres (1880); Winter in the Woods at Cernay, Morning at Froeschwiller (1881); The Black Pits, River in Franche-Comte (1882); A Shower, An Inlet (1883); Novem- ber (1884) ; Banks of the Doubs, Path (1885); Indian Summer, Evening (1886). Bellier, ii. 343. RAPISARDI, MICHELE, born at Catan- ia, Sicily ; contemporary. History and genre painter of talent, whose works show care- ful study of the old masters. Professor. Works : Cola Rienzi among the Ruins of Rome (1867) ; Hamlet's Monologue ; The Troubadour ; Lady as Ophelia ; Girl of Ca- tania, Museo Civico, Turin. Zeitschr. f. b. K., iii. 124. RASCH, HEINRICH; contemporary. Genre and landscape painter. Works : Bal- tic Landscape with Figures, View on Eng- lish Coast, A Confession (1882), Boating Party, Gatherers on Coast of Lucca, Even- ing in Lagoons of Venice, Morning at Via- reggio (1883). Allgem. K. C., viii. 376 ; D- lustr. Zeitg. (1883), ii. 400; Kunst-Chronik, xvii. 294 ; xviii. 496 ; Land und Meer (1884), ii. 1044 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xix. 135. RASMUSSEN, CARL, born at Aeroskjob- ing, Isle of Aero, August 31, 1841. Marine and figure painter, pupil of John Didrik Frisch (1835-67), then of the Copenhagen