Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/401

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VENUS Uffizi, Florence ; Padovanino, Palazzo Bor- 1 Bauclet ; B. Audran. Villot, Cat. Louvre ; ghese, Rome ; Theodoras van Thulden, Jluis Landon, Must-e, 2d Col., iii. PI. 62. ten Bosch, The Hague ; Antonio Triva, By Giulio Romano, Louvre, Paris ; wood, Dresden Gallery ; Franc,ois Boucher, Stock- holm Museum ; Paul Baudry (1859), Bor- deaux Museum. H. 14 in. x 9 in. Vulcan, seated beside Venus, embraces her with his left arm, while carrying a bundle of arrows on his shoulder with his right ; Venus is putting arrows into the quiver of a cupid who is bending his bow ; another cupid presents her a butterfly, and others bear a vase of flowers. Engraved by Morace. Filhol, vii. PL 451 ; Museo fran- yais, i. Part 3 : Ch. Blanc, cole romaine. By Anton van Dyck, Louvre, Paris ; can- vas, H. 7 ft. 3 in. x 4 ft. 9 in. Venus dc- VENUS OF THE TRIBUNE, Titian, Tri- bune of the Uffizi, Florence ; canvas, life- size. Supposed by some to be the portrait of a mistress of Guidobaldo IL, Duke of Urbino. Venus, nude, lies at the foot of a green hanging, on a muslin sheet that covers a red damask couch, one arm on her person, the other on the cushions, playing with a chaplet of flowers ; a little dog is curled up on the couch at her feet, and handmaids in distance are preparing lier dress. Painted in Venice about 1537 for Francesco Maria della Rovere (?), Duke of Urbino ; passed in 17th century as an heirloom to the Florence Gallery. Replica in Uffizi by a Venetian of Titian's time ; adaptations in But- ler-Johnstone and Hamp- ton Court Collections. En- graved by P. Soutman ; R. Gay wood ; A. Nargeot ; S t r ft 11 f ft Vn.ST.ri cA Venus of the Tribune, Titian, Tribune of the Uffiii, Florence. Mil., vii. 443 ; C. fc C., Titian, i. 389 ; Gotti, manding of Vulcan arms for JEneas. The Gal. di Firenze, 103 ; Ridolfi, Maraviglie, i. goddess, nearly nude, preceded by a cupid 225 ; Law, Hist. Cat. Hampton Court, 51 ; bearing a sheathed sword, and sustained by Molini, Gal. di Firenze, i. 49. VENUS, TRIUMPH OF. See Venus, Birth of. VENUS AND VULCAN, Francesco Alba- ni, Louvre ; canvas, H. 6 ft. 7 in. x 8 ft. 3 in. Venus lying on a couch, with Vulcan reclin- a second cupid, advances towards Vulcan, who has one knee upon a stone ; at left, above the head of Venus, another cupid with a bow and arrows ; in background, two cyclops with hammers. Collection of Louis XTV. ; formerly in Luxembourg. En- ing at her feet ; two cupids present the god- graved by Langlois ; C. Normand. Cat. dess a buckler pierced with arrows ; at Louvre ; Filhol., iii. PI. 170 ; Landon, xi. right, cupids forge and sharpen arrows, oth- PI. 65 ; Guiffrey, 254 ; Smith, iii. 39 ; Musce ers make bows ; Diana, in the clouds, at- franyais. tended by two nymphs, holds a javelin. By Anton van Dyck, Vienna Museum ; Collection of Louis XTV. Engraved by , canvas, H. 3 ft. 3 in. x 5 ft. Venus receiv- 845