Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/414

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VERMEHREN Works: Fish Market in Ghent (1826); Dominican Church and Monastery, ib. (1829); Ruins of St. Macarius', ib.; do. of St. Bavon's Abbey, ib. (1830) ; Market Square at Brunswick ; Views in Bruges, Mentz, Limburg, etc.; View in Venice, Carlsruhe Gallery ; Harbour View (1842), Canal Grande in Venice (1851), City Gate of Perugia (1850), Street in Italian Town (1845), Tower and Bridge at Andernach (1846), New Pinakothek, Munich ; City Gate and Bridge at Coblentz, Stuttgart Museum. Immerzeel, iii. 180 ; Kramm, vi. 1728 ; N. Necrol. d. D. (1852). VEEMEHEEN, JOHAN FREDRIK, bom at Eingsted, Zea- land, May 12, 1823. Genre, landscape, and portrait painter, pupil of Copenhagen Academy; took part in the campaign of 1848; visited Italy in 1855, 1857, and 1862, Holland and France in 1862, and became member of Copenhagen Academy in 1864 and professor in 1873. Danebrog Order, 1869. Works: Cobbler in his Kitchen ; Woman Spinning ; Peasant Wom- an bringing Coffee to her Mother (1851) ; Bread Seller (1851, 1852) ; Jutland Shep- herd (1853) ; Farewell of Eeserve Soldier (1849), Street in Italian Town (1857), Sow- ers (1859), Domestic Occupation (1860), Beggar Children in Farm Kitchen (1861), Farmyard (1865), Copenhagen Gallery ; Portrait of the Painter Sonne (1870) ; Man filling his Pipe (1882); Young Man of Eighteenth Century (1883) ; Portrait of General Jonquieres (1883), Frederiksborg Gallery. Sigurd Miiller, 365; Weilbach, 734. VERMEULEN, ANDEIES, born at Dor- drecht in 1763, died at Amsterdam in 1814. Landscape and marine painter, son and pupil of Cornelia Vermeulen (1732-1813) ; painted especially winter scenes enlivened by many figures, and of pleasing colouring. Works : Winter Day on Dutch River with Skaters, Copenhagen Gallery ; do. (1800), Winter Sunday in a Village (1800), Stiidel Gallery, Frankfort ; Boat with Load of Pigs crossing Frozen River, Gotha Museum, where is also a Landscape with Cows and Sheep by his father. Immerzeel, iii. 130 ; Kramm, vi. 1728. VERMEYEN (Vermay, Vermayen), JAN COENELISZ, called El Mayo, and Juan de Barbalonga, born at Beverwyck, near Haar- lem, in 1500, died in Brussels in 1559. Flemish school ; history, portrait, and land- scape painter ; in the service of Margaret of Austria in 1529 ; summoned to Spain in 1534 by Charles V., whom he accompanied to Tunis, where he drew the Siege of Tunis and other events of the campaign. From these drawings he executed several pictures, now in the Castle of Coburg, and ten large coloured cartoons (for tapestries), now in the Vienna Museum. Afterwards he visited, with Charles V., Naples, Germany, and Flanders. His pictures in the Brussels Ca- thedral were ruined by the Iconoclasts, and various highly esteemed landscapes, in the Palace of the Prado, Madrid, were burned in 1608. In the gallery of Marchese Mansi at Lucca are : Battle of Pavia (1525), Taking of Eome (1527), and Siege of Tunis (1535). Engerth, Gem. der Belvedere Gal., ii. 522 ; Immerzeel, iii. 181 ; Jahrb. der Kunsthist. Sammlg. des Allerhochsten Kai- serh., ii. 145 ; Kramm, vi. 1729 ; Kugler (Crowe), i. 236 ; Siret (1883), ii. 368 ; Wau- ters, Peinture flam., 138. VEENANSAL, GUY LOUIS, born at Fontainebleau, July 12, 1648, died in Par- is, April 9, 1729. French school ; history painter, pupil of Le Brun ; received into the Academy in 1687, adjunct professor in 1695, professor in 1704 ; travelled for several years, painted in 1716 at Bonn for the Elector of Cologne, then in Italy, chiefly at Padua, where several of his works may still be seen. Works : Eenovation of the Edict of Nantes (1687), Versailles Museum ; 354