Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/42

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RAVAUT carnate), as related in the Ramayana. The picture represents the finding of the body on the field of battle by the favourite and Reading the Will, Sir David Wilkie, New Munich Gallery. the other wives of the King of Lanka (Cey- lon). Salon, 1875 ; bought by Ministry of Fine Arts. RAVAUT, REN HENRI, born in Paris; contemporary. History and portrait painter, pupil of Laurens and Butin. Medal, 3d class, 1880. Works: Awaking (1879) ; Raising of a Child by St. Benedict (1880) ; Deluge (1881) ; The Imprudent, The Caldron (1882) ; St. Colomban (1883) ; St. Julia, (1884) ; Quai at Trouville (1885). RAVEN, JOHN S., born in Suf- folk, England, Aug. 21, 1829, died at Harlech, Wales, July 14, 1877. Landscape painter, son of Rev. J. Raven, an amateur water-colour painter ; self-taught, first exhibited at the Royal Academy, in 1845, Salmsley Church. Works : Hamp- shire Homestead, Monk's Walk (1872) ; The Lesser Light to rule the Night (1873) ; The Heavens declare the Glory of God (1875). He was accidentally drowned while bathing. Red- grave. RAVENSTEIN, PAUL VON, born in pupil in Carlsruhe, of Gude, studied nature in the Silesian mountains, the German Alps, and Italy. Works : Oak Landscape at Even- ing ; Road near Partenkir- chen ; Antique Baths at Al- bano (1880). Mttller, 432. RAVENZWAAY, JAN VAN, born at Hilversum, Nov. 29, 1790, died there March 2, 1869. Landscape and animal painter, pupil at Amersfoort of Jordanus Hoorn (1753-1833), then of Pieter Gerardus van Os, who had settled near Hil- versum ; visited Belgium, Switzerland and Germany, and settled at Westerborg, Drenthe. Member of Am- sterdam Academy, 1822. Works ; Pasture with Cattle, Sheep Stable, Cow Stable, Amsterdam Museum. Immer- zeel, iii. 2 ; Nagler, xii. 339. RAVESTEYN, JAN VAN, born at The Hague in 1572 (?), died there, buried June 21, 1G57. Dutch school; portrait painter, Rebekah and Eliezer, Murillo, Madrid Museum. master of the Hague guild in 1615 ; painted assemblies of magistrates and corporations with great skill, in the manner of Mierevelt. Works: Civic Guard, Officers of do. (1616), Breslau, Oct. 23, 1854. Landscape painter, Banquet of Town Council (1618), Meeting 14