Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/44

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EEBEKAH 425 ; sold after his death for 1,200 and placed in New Pinakothek. Engraved by J. Bui-net. Kedgrave, Century, ii. 269; Hea- ton, Works of Sir D. W. KEBEKAH AND ELIEZEK, Murillo, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft. Eliezer drinks from a copper kettle held by Rebekah, who, with three other maidens bearing jars, stands near a well at right ; at left, in middle distance, men and camels; Engraved by G. Rousselet (1677) ; G. Au- dran ; Picart le Remain ; Bouchers-Desnoy- ers. Cat. Louvre; Filhol, i. PI. 49; Lan- don, Musee, i. PI. 49 ; Smith, viii. 5. By Paolo Veronese (?) Louvre, H. 8 ft. 1 in. x 11 ft. 4 in. ; transferred to new canvas in 1834, and former size reduced. Eliezer, beside a well, at the foot of a ruin shaded by trees, presents to Rebekah jewels which two negroes have brought; at left, several dromedaries. Formerly in Casa Bonaldi, Venice ; bought by Ja- bach, and sold by him to Louis XTV. Engraved by Moyreau. Cab. Crozat, ii. PI. 13 ; Villot, Cat. Louvre. REBELL, JOSEF, born in Vi- enna, Jan. 11, 1787, died in Dres- den, Dec. 18, 1828. Landscape painter, pupil of Vienna Academy under Wutky, went in 1809 to Mi- lan, painted there for Eugene Beauharnais, then in Naples (1811 -15) for Murat ; went to Rome, and in 1824 was called to Vienna as di- rector of the Belvedere Gallery. Works : Storm near Grotto of Foc- cia near Naples, Portici with Vesu- vius, Italian Landscape at Sunset (1819), Vienna Museum ; do. at Sunrise, do. with Figures, Ferdi- nandeum, Innsbruck ; Mole of Por- tici (1818), View near Amalfi, Coast near Capri, Stormy Sea, New Pi- Rebekah and Eliezer, Paolo Veronese (?), Louvre. r *_ nakothek, Munich ; View of Capri, background, landscape with mountains. In j Casamicciola on Ischia, Schack Gallery, ib. ; second manner. Etched by E. Buxo ; litho- 1 Castle Persenbeug on the Danube, Czernin graphed by F. Decraein ; C. Mugica. Cur- tis, 118 ; Madraza, 467. By Nicolas Poussin, Louvre ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 10 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. In centre, near a well, Eliezer offers necklaces and bracelets Gallery, Vienna ; Arco di Focci near Cumae during Storm (1828), National Gallery, Ber- lin. Hormayr, Archiv. (1823), 339 ; (1829), No. 30; Kunstbl. (1860), iii. 320; Cotta's Kunstbl. (1820), 263 ; (1829), 87 ; N. Necrol. to Rebekah, who seems to hesitate to accept ! der D. (1828), 859 ; Schack, Meine Gemitl- them ; at right, three young girls ; at left, a : desnmmlung (1884), 205 ; Wurzbach, xxv. 78. group of nine women ; in background, hills with buildings. Painted in Rome in 1648 for M. Pointel, on whose death passed to Due de Richelieu, and finally to Louis XIV. RECAMATORI, GIOVANNI DE'. See Giovanni da Udine. RECAMIER, MADAME, SALON OF, William Quiller Orchardson, London ; can- 16