Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/441

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VIRGIN By school of Domenico Ghirlandajo, S. Girolamo, Narni. Formerly attributed to Raphael and to Lo Spagna. C. & C., Italy, iii. 310. By Guido Reni, Bologna Gallery ; can- vas, H. 7 ft 5 in. x 5 ft 9 in. The Virgin, in a glory, crowned by the Son and the Father, with the Holy Ghost de- scending from above ; below, SS. Catherine, John Evangelist, John Baptist, and Bernard. Formerly in suppressed church of S. Ber- nardo of the Olivetan monks. Engraved by A. Marchi. Pinac. di Bologna, PI. 68 ; Felsinor, Pit- trice, ii. 7 ; Lavice, 13. By Guido Reni, National Gal- lery, London ; copper, H. 2 ft 2 in. x 1 ft. 7 in. A rich composi- tion with refined forms and beau- tiful heads. Probably of first pe- riod. Formerly in Madrid Gal- lery, whence passed to Sir Thomas Lawrence ; then to Mr. Wells, who in 1847 bequeathed it to Nation- al Gallery. Waagen, Treasures, i. 337. By Andrea Orcagna, National Gallery, London ; wood, tempera, H. 9 ft. 7 in. x 13 ft 1 in. Altar- piece in three parts : in centre, Christ crowning the Virgin, with two angels standing on each side and ten others below, some kneel- ing and some playing musical in- struments ; in each of side pict- ures, twenty-four saints kneeling ; on left is St. Peter, supporting on his knees the model of S. Pietro Maggiore, Florence, for which the picture was originally painted. Nine other pictures in National Gallery also formed part of this altarpiece. Cat. Nat. Gal. By Raphael, Vatican, Rome ; wood trans- ferred to canvas, arched at top, H. 9 ft. 2 in. x 5 ft. 2 in. Christ crowning the Virgin enthroned in the heavens, surrounded by angels with musical instruments, and cher- ubs above ; below, the apostles around the empty tomb. Painted in 1503 at Citta di Castello for Maddalena degli Oddi, and placed in the Oddi Chapel of S. Francesco, Perugia ; carried thence in 1797 to Paris, where it was transferred to canvas ; re- Coronation of the Virgin, Raphael, Vatican, Rome. turned in 1815 and placed in Vatican. En- graved by E. Stolzel ; Graffonara ; CouchiJ fils. Copy, dated 1518, in church of Civi- tella Bernazzone, near Perugia. The pre- della, the Annunciation, Epiphany, and Presentation, also in Vatican, in separate frame. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 317 ; C. & C., 377