Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/445

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VIRGIN of Citta di Castello, where it remained till June 28, 1798, when the municipal authori- ties gave it up to Gen. Giuseppe Lecchi, commander of a French brigade then in the town. Lecchi sold it in 1801 to Giacomo Saunazaro, of Milan, from whom the Milan Hospital inherited it in 1804 ; purchased by the State in 180G for 53,000 francs. Re- stored in Milan by Molteni, but somewhat discoloured. Copy, of 1506, by Giovanni Andrea Urbani, in sacristy of S. Giuseppe, Urbino ; another in S. Agostino, Cittii di Castello, a third in Berlin Museum ; modern copy in ficole des Beaux Arts, Par- is. Engraved by Longhi. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 323 ; Pungileone, Raph- ael, 282; C. & C., Raphael, i. 163; Passavant, ii. 18 ; Klas. der Maler- ei, i. PI. 31 ; Gruyer, Vierges de Raphael, ii. 3, 21 ; Mttntz, 81 ; Kug- ler (Eastlake), ii. 413 ; Perkins, 59 ; Reveil, ix. 577. VIRGIN OF MERCY. See Ma- donna della Misericordia. VIRGIN AND ST. DOMINICK, Paolo Veronese, Venice Academy ; canvas. The Virgin in glory and St. Dominick distributing crowns of roses to a pope, an emperor, a king, a doge, etc. From S. Pietro Martire, Murano. VIRGIN OF SORROWS (Vir- gen de las Augustias), Anton Van Dyck, Madrid Museum ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 9 in. x 3 ft. 3 in. The Virgin, seated, supports on her lap the body of Christ, whose hand the Magdalen kisses, while St. John stands near by. Larger repetition in Mu- seum of Arnbe'res. Madrazo. VIRGIN, SEVEN JOYS OF THE, Hans Memling, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; wood, H. 2 ft. 7 in. x5 ft. 11 in. An extensive landscape, in the centre of which is Jerusa- lem with many towers. In the foreground, middle, the Adoration of the Magi, on the left the Nativity, on the right the Resurrec- tion ; in the background, The Annunciation to the Shepherds, the Journeying of the Magi and their Re-embarkation on the Sea ; their Visit to Herod, the Massacre of the Innocents, and the Flight into Egypt. On the other side the Women at the Sepulchre, the Appearance of Christ among the Women and Disciples, taking Leave of his Mother, his Ascension, the Death of the Virgin and Marriage of the Virgin, Raphael, Brera, Milan. her Reception in Heaven, and lastly, on the distant mountain peaks, the Three Magi, kneeling, gazing on the Star of Bethlehem. The title of this picture is misleading, as the design includes many incidents in the life of Christ and of the Virgin besides those called the Seven Joys. Weale calls it Christ the Light of the World, and Michiels the Triumphs of Christ. Painted for Pierre 381